STRATEGY PLAN ON EDUCATION AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES (2008-2020) International Radiation Protection Association
IRPA’S ROLE ON EDUCATION AND TRAINING IRPA is an association of RP societies RP Professionals belong to IRPA through their societies IRPA should promote and support, provide networking, provide guidance IRPA Societies are not universities and their E&T activities are not intended for an academic diploma but for professional enhancement. These activities generally focus on general Radiation Protection trends or on very specialized topics which cannot be covered by other organizations. to E&T activities of its affiliate societies individually or, preferably, in cooperation
Education & Training Plan Task included in the IRPA 2010-2020 Strategic Plan First presentation at the ETRAP 2009 Conference Second presentation at the IRPA AS Forum of the Regional Congresses 2010 of Helsinki and Nairobi
Education & Training Plan Three main lines: Cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection: IAEA, ETRAP conference, ENETRAP/EUTERP, AAHP
Education & Training Plan Three main lines: Cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection: IAEA, ETRAP conference, ENETRAP/EUTERP, AAHP E&T actions within IRPA: Refresher courses Discussion forums during IRPA Congresses Webpage: with announcements and resources database Support to E&T actions organized by Associate Societies: Share, Coordinate, Networking, Young generations
E & T ACTIONS 2008-20 (1) Refresher courses at IRPA congresses: Inclusion of Refresher Courses and Seminars within each IRPA Conference (already in the guidance for congresses) Evaluation and follow-up from the EC (based on questionnaires to participants) Exploring live webcast and podcast based on the IRPA13 experience Improving website accessibility to texts and presentations (including RC from IRPA Regional Congresses) (searching engine)
E&T on the IRPA website IRPA Definition of Radiation Protection Expert (RPE) IRPA Education & Training: Presentation Reference documents The role of IRPA in education and training of radiation protection professionals (2003) Christian Wernli, David Cancio and Jack Valentin IRPA Executive Council Education and Training Committee IRPA’s Contribution to E&T Activities for Radiation Protection Professionals (2009) Eduardo Gallego and Alfred Hefner IRPA Executive Council IRPA Congresses Training Material: IRPA 11 (2004) Refresher Courses (Text+Powerpoint in one file) IRPA 12 (2008) Refresher Courses (Powerpoint)
E&T on the IRPA website New web-based database on E&T*: Objectives: Events announcements Resources Objectives: To announce training courses or activities To share and disseminate training material and resources To provide a useful tool for searching Users: all RP professionals Managers: One contact person per Associate Society Administrator: IRPA webmaster Access the database (beta version) *Donated by the Spanish Society of Radiological Protection
E & T ACTIONS 2008-20 (2) IRPA AS seminars, short courses, summer (or winter) schools on specialized topics. Promote coordination: Questionnaire to be distributed to have a complete picture Web-base database with searching engine in the website IRPA sponsoring would be granted to those activities which clear and openly look for professional enhancement within the IRPA family.
E & T ACTIONS 2008-20 (2) IRPA AS seminars, short courses, summer (or winter) schools on specialized topics. Specific actions that should be undertaken by the organizing societies to get the “IRPA stamp” can be the following (from easier to harder implementation): Advertisement and promotion through IRPA and the Associate Societies. Availability of grants for young professionals to facilitate their participation (usually to young members of the organizing societies or from developing countries). Agreement to share and exchange teaching materials (for instance, by opening Internet spaces at the IRPA website). Webcast of lectures and courses previously recorded. Live webcast of courses or seminars (“webinars”).
E & T ACTIONS 2008-20 (3) IRPA Stimulation and follow-up of E & T activities: Stimulate the creation of “E & T networks” within IRPA: for instance by those societies sharing language (e.g. Latin-American societies together with Spain and Portugal) or belonging to the same region (e.g. European Radiation Protection Young Scientists Exchange Network, with pilot project for schools and universities with participation from ÖVS, FS, SFRP, NVS, NSRP and SRP) with dedicated space in the website
Attract and engage young generations Encourage Associate Societies activities at national or regional scale to attract young generations to the profession: Organize activities for pre-university and undergraduate students SRP Schools Event at IRPA13 SFRP activities with “Lycées” Awards programmes to individual or collective work in schools or universities could be an effective way. Encourage AS to promote grants in order to facilitate mobility of young members Create a section on grants and job opportunities in the IRPA website
Attract and engage young generations Attract young professionals to IRPA, by initiatives like the Awards for young professionals or scientists: First award at the IRPA European Regional Congress in Helsinki in 2010 Second award at IRPA13
Attract and engage young generations Creation of a Network of Young members Initial proposal by JPHS, ÖVS, FS IRPA13 is the opportunity to launch! IRPA13 reception to young professionals and researchers organized by the SRP Kick-off meeting on Thursday at lunch time
IRPA Task Group on E & T To develop ideas and establish priorities for the implementation of the E & T action plan Could be the seed for a new permanent Committee Incorporation on an open and voluntary basis Proposals received from: JHPS (Japanese HPS) South America HPS (USA) FS (German-Swiss) Nigeria SFRP IRPA EC (Alfred Hefner and Eduardo Gallego) Work by e-mail AS will be contacted
CONCLUSIONS IRPA E&T Plan 2008-2020 To continue cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection where IRPA is representing the profession views. To continue interaction between AS to cooperate in E&T Contribute to the new database on E&T events and resources To create a Task Group for the development and implementation of E&T activities To stimulate and support the AS: to organize coordinated activities; to share E&T resources; to create E&T networks sharing language or regional proximity; to create a young members section ; to organize activities to attract young generations to the profession