KEY TO SUCCESS Is the event a good idea? Do we have the skills required to plan and run the event? Is the host community supportive? Do we have the infrastructure in the community? Can we get a venue at a price we can afford?
6. Will the event attract an audience? 7. Will it attract media support? 8. Is it financially viable? 9. Are the success criteria reasonable?
BALANCING THE IMPACT OF EVENTS IMPACTS OF EVENTS POSITIVE IMPACT NEGATIVE IMPACTS Social and Shared experience Community alienation cultural Revitalisation of traditions Manipulation of community Building of community pride Negative community Image Validation of community Bad behaviour groups Substance abuse Increased community Social dislocation participation Loss of amenity Introduction of new and challenging ideas Expansion of cultural perspective
IMPACTS OF EVENTS POSITIVE IMPACT NEGATIVE IMPACTS Political International prestige Risk of event failure Improved profile Misallocation of funds Promotion of investment Lack of accountability Social cohesion Propaganda Development of administrative Loss of community ownership skills and control Legitimation of Ideology
IMPACTS OF EVENTS POSITIVE IMPACT NEGATIVE IMPACTS Environmental Showcasing of the environment Environmental damage Provision of models for best Pollution Practice Destruction of heritage Increased environmental Negative community Image Awareness Noise disturbance Infrastructure legacy Traffic congestion Improved transport and communications Urban transformation and renewal
IMPACTS OF EVENTS POSITIVE IMPACT NEGATIVE IMPACTS Tourism and Destinational promotion and Community resistance economic increased tourist visits to tourism Extended length of stay Loss of authenticity Higher yield Damage to reputation Increased tax revenue Exploitation Business opportunities Inflated prices Commercial activity Opportunity costs Job creation Financial Mismanagement Financial loss
Social and cultural impacts 1.1 Marketing crowd behaviour 1.2 Community ownership and control of events Political impacts Environmental impacts Tourism and economic impacts 4.1 Business opportunities 4.2 Commercial activity 4.3 Employment creation
ECONOMIC IMPACT AND THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT Expenditure by visitors from outside the region. Capital expenditure on facilities required to conduct the event. Expenditure incurred by event organizers and sponsors to stage the event.
COMMUNITY PERCEPTIONS OF EVENT IMPACTS Entertainment Public money Economic benefits Disruption to local residents Maintenance of public facilities Bad behaviour
Community pride Environmental impact Regional showcase Prices Community injustice Loss use of public facilities
The End