Chapter 2 Origins of American Government
**The first settlement in the 13 colonies was established in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia. Reasons why Britain wanted colonies: 1. to provide a market for British goods 2. to provide raw material to Britain 3. to be loyal to the crown
British basically left the colonist alone: 1. Colonies were a far distance from Britain. 2. Colonists were loyal in most matters 3. Crown provided them with protection **Colonies govern themselves. -Each colony has a governor (chosen by crown) -Each colony has assemblies or legislatures chosen by the people.
**Things changed between the British and the colonists in the 1760’s after the French and Indian War. French and Indian War -British win but builds large debt -Ran up large debt and British subjects felt colonists should help pay for it -King decided to have colonies carry a large part of the cost by passing trade acts
The Stamp Act -Tax on all printed material, including newspapers, merchants’ bills legal documents, and even playing cards -Colonists said only their elected representatives could enact taxes -Taxation without representation- was the cry colonists petitioned the king and started a ban on British goods -King repealed the Stamp Act
Townshend Acts taxed such items as paper, window glass, paint and tea -King sent troops to try to enforce the act -Boston Massacre was result -Parliament repealed all the taxes except the tea tax -Colonists lifted the ban on British goods
**Committees of correspondence were organized to oppose British policies. Tea Act -passed giving East Indian Company an advantage over colonial merchants -Boston Tea Party was the result - colonist dumped tea over board in Boston Harbor -Shocked everyone in most colonies.
Intolerable Acts -Passed as punishment for the Boston Tea Party- increased colonial resentment and unified the colonists -closed the port of Boston until tea is paid for -limited self-gov’t in Mass. Colony -Quartering Act- ordered colonists to house soldiers in their homes -Convention was called to discuss what to do
Common Sense -Written by Thomas Paine -A pamphlet written to explain to the colonists all of the reasons why they needed to break with Britain. -Was one of the main reasons most colonists began to support a break with Britain.
First Continental Congress (1774) -Representatives from every colony met in Philadelphia 3 Decisions 1. Declaration of Rights - stated rights and liberties colonists expected 2. Continental Association-organized ban on British imports. 3. Were to meet again in May if Parliament had not answered the complaint satisfactorily **This was the first time the colonies joined together over an issue.