1. 4 BECOME A PAGE ADMINISTRATOR How do I become a page administrator? 1. Liked the page you are requesting admin. 2. Email the Social Media Manager stating you liked the page ,the email you use to log in your Facebook account, the link of the page you liked and the store complete address. 3. The Social Media Manager will add you as a page administrator Note: There is no need to submit a help ticket after notifying Social Media Manager that you liked the page. You will be granted admin. Please allow one to two business days to process your request. To: support@shos.jitbit.com Subject: Admin Rights My name is: XXXX XXX My Facebook profile login email is: xxx@xxxx.com Format: City, St: Link to my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Sears[format][City][St] I liked the page already Final step is to email the social media manager at cleal0@shos.com stating you liked the page, the email you used to log into your Facebook account, the store id and the link to the facebook page. If you are a new owner, please mention it on the email so that all existing admins and past owners are remove as well. With 48hrs, you will receive an email from SM confirming you have been added as an administrator and what are the next steps.