Sermon On The Mount The foundation of Christianity Character of Citizens Nature of Kingdom Destiny
Sermon On The Mount Rich source of strength Beatitudes, Mt. 5:3-10 Priorities, Mt. 6:33 Life, Mt. 7:14
Sermon On The Mount Astonishing Teaching Taught with Authority He Taught
Sermon On The Mount Astonishing Teaching The people were astonished English: filled with wonder Thayer: expel by a blow…shock Vine: struck in mind
Sermon On The Mount Astonishing Teaching People were amazed numerous times His understanding, Lk. 2:46, 47 His wisdom, Mt. 13:54 His strictness, Mk. 10:23-27 Jews feared, Mk. 11:18
Sermon On The Mount Astonishing Teaching Jesus’ teaching is still amazing Contrary to world Selflessness, Mk. 10:35-45 Sacrifice, Jn. 15:13 Strictness, Lk. 13:22-30
Sermon On The Mount Astonishing Teaching Jesus’ teaching is still amazing Failure to appreciate = eternal ruin Not sorcery, Acts 13:6-12 No philosophy, 1 Cor. 2:1-5 Wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 2:6, 7; 1:18
Sermon On The Mount Taught with Authority Jesus has inherent authority Firstborn, Col. 1:15 Creator, Col. 1:16 I AM, Jn. 8:24, 58 Master, Jn. 13:12-17
Sermon On The Mount Taught with Authority Over all except the Father, 1 Cor. 15:24-28 Heaven & earth, Mt. 28:18 Demons, Lk. 10:17 Church, Eph. 1:22, 23; 5:22-24
Sermon On The Mount Taught with Authority We must heed His authority Baptism, Acts 2:38 Unity, 1 Cor. 1:10 All things, Col. 3:17
Sermon On The Mount He Taught His main focus was teaching His purpose, Mk. 1:35-39 His habit, Mk. 2:13; Lk. 6:6; 20:1
Sermon On The Mount He Taught We need to teach The world, Mk. 16:15, 16 Our family, Jn. 1:40, 41 Our friends, Jn. 1:44, 45 Neighbors, Jn. 4:5-26
Sermon On The Mount Astonishing Teaching Taught with Authority He Taught
Sermon On The Mount The foundation of Christianity Character of Citizens Nature of Kingdom Destiny
Sermon On The Mount Rich source of strength Beatitudes, Mt. 5:1-10 Priorities, Mt. 6:33 Life, Mt. 7:14