Developing and Strengthening Workforce System Partnerships April 25, 2018
Moderator Sara Hastings Division of Youth Services U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
What is your biggest pain point or challenge with education-workforce partnerships?
Introductions Adelina Garcia Laura Purutyan Dan Riley Senior Program Manager, Pathways to Prosperity, JFF Laura Purutyan STEM Career Specialist, Partnerships for a Skilled Workforce, Inc. Dan Riley Director of STEM Early College High School, Marlborough Public Schools
Marlborough’s WBL Model 9th grade: Self-awareness by assessment and guidance workshops. Career awareness through site visits, hands-on exploration with industry and small group research with industry videos. 10th grade: Career coaching and continued workshops. Resume building and interviewing. 11th grade: Work based learning experiences- unpaid and paid. 12th grade: Jobs and internships with local employers.
MAPP WORKFORCE SYSTEM ROLES Convene strategic planning, program development, and implementation Manage logistics of employer-based career awareness, exposure, and exploration Design worksite supervisor training curriculum Lead local sustainability planning Cultivate employer partnerships and coordinate their engagement Connect program graduates with education, training, and employment opportunities
WIB Value-Add Cultivate, maintain, and strategically leverage relationships with employers Ease the burden on the school and district Ease the burden on employers Craft a common vision Leverage financial and human resources to build talent pipeline
Marlborough’s Education- Workforce Partnership STEM Career Specialist Steering Committee YCC grant as the organizing mechanism
Partnership Challenges Integration of career readiness Alignment with leadership and teachers Getting buy-in for career readiness curriculum
Changes as a Result of the Partnership Postsecondary readiness plan for kids Early college aligned with career-based learning trajectory Opportunity to earn credentials
Sustainability Plan STEM Career Specialist role established infrastructure among school, WIB, and employers Clarify commitment and point people responsible to continue career readiness programs and employer engagement Increased buy-in from employers Teachers and guidance working together to integrate career readiness
Lessons Learned Strong partnership is key to WBL implementation Design data-driven solutions that meet the needs of employers and students Piloting and testing is critical Start as early in grade level as possible
Remember to select “Everyone” when typing questions in the chat box.