Lesson #5 – Route 301 Project Copy the Lesson Objective Question into Binder Read Scenario Label all parts of lesson in notebook correctly. Answer ALL questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES. >Click when ready< LEQ - How do places change with time? Scenario: You are a member of the planning committee regarding the construction of Rt. 301. You are tasked with reviewing all information and making a recommendation as to what plan the committee should select.
>Click when ready< Rt 301 Project GO to website and open student reading Read all instructions on slide before beginning Reading questions are on next slide >Click when ready< Open Student Reading Read document Take notes in binder (optional) Copy and answer questions in binder Questions are found on the next slide
>Click when ready< Rt 301 Project Copy and answer questions in binder >Click when ready< Student Reading Questions Describe route 301. How many accidents have occurred between 2000 and 2006? Why are these accidents such a concern? How will the construction affect those people who use the road? What were the two original plans for upgrading Rt 301? Briefly explain the three alternatives. What groups are working on the project?
>Click when ready< Rt 301 Project GO to website and open Rt 301 Traffic Problems Powerpoint Read all instructions on slide before beginning >Click when ready< Go to website and open Rt 301 Traffic Problems Power point Read powerpoint Take notes in binder
>Click when ready< Rt 301 Project STOP!!! Pick up copy of questions for Middletown news Article. Turn in questions for a grade. GO to website and open Middletown News Article >Click when ready< Go to website and open Middletown News Article Answer questions on worksheet. Turn in for a grade
>Click when ready< Rt 301 Project Complete on separate piece of paper. To be turned in for a grade >Click when ready< Checking for Understanding Write report to the head of the planning committee with your recommendations for the construction of Rt 301. Be sure to include specific examples and reasons to support your recommendations.