IRF in Ayrshire & Arran Dr Allan Gunning.


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Presentation transcript:

IRF in Ayrshire & Arran Dr Allan Gunning

Context Strategic Alliance Refocused CHPs Clyde Valley Review Improved Service Integration Links with Other Workstreams

Approach CHPs as Integrators Scheme of Delegation Processes Supporting Outcomes Data Supporting Service Improvement and Cultural Change

Test Site Areas 1 Driven by CHP Priorities “Make It Real” Pan Ayrshire Learning

Test Site Areas 2 Implementation Plan Programme Management Communication Financial Protocols and Levers OD

Test Site Areas 3 North – Children with Complex Needs and Intensive Packages of Care East – Low Volume High Cost Care Packages (Urban, Rural) MH, LDS South – Re-ablement (Link to JIT Supported Work) PAN A&A – COPD Self Management (Tele-Health, Integrated Services, Carers)

Test Site Areas 4 Clear Populations Clear on Clinical and Care Pathways Creating Detailed Resource Maps Across Social Care and Health

Challenges Rolling Out New Models In A Shrinking Resource Environment Tight Timescales “Something The Accountants Are Doing”