Claude Fauquet GCP21 Cambodia; Sept 18, 2018 Setting the stage for the Regional Workshop : the CMD Control Plan in Mainland SEA Claude Fauquet GCP21 Cambodia; Sept 18, 2018
South East Asia is the second most cassava productive region in the world with 80mt/y Thailand is #1-31mt/y, Indonesia #2-21mt/y, Vietnam #3-11mt/y, and Cambodia is #3-11mt/y
Evolution of Indochina Cassava Production The cassava production of countries in IndoChina is indicated in orange, while the harvested area is in blue and the yield in green. Production has increased 30x (55mt/y), harvested areas 10x (2.5mHa) and yield 2x (21t/ha).
Evolution of Cassava Area, Yield and Production in Cambodia and Viet Nam The great increase in cassava production in both Cambodia and Viet Nam (70x and 5x)(yellow) results from the conjunction of increase is surfaces (20x and 2x)(blue) with a doubling or more in yield (3x and 2x)(green). New land for cultivation was open by the government for relocated farmers, and adoption of KU50 or related varieties substantially increased yield.
First Report of CMD in Cambodia
Cassava in Cambodia Province Area 2016 Production 2016 Battambang 125,593 3,769,266 Banteay Meanchey 108,100 2,235,756 Kratie 66,102 1,420,387 Uddar Mean Chey 60,132 1,151,240 Pailin 59,087 1,477,175 Kampong Thom 54,039 1,176,919 Tbong Khmum 53,690 1,159,870 Pursat 28,585 571,700 Kampong Cham 23,110 337,114 Siem Reap 20,735 328,143 Preah Vihea 20,175 229,062 Rattanakiri 17,263 290,842 Steung Treng 13,428 268,560 Mondulkiri 11,275 202,950 Svay Rieng 9,533 149,011 Takeo 1,830 26,790 Prey Veng 947 14,205 Kampot 811 3,615 Kampong Chhnang 425 2,428 Koh Kong 106 1,667 Kampong Speu 91 2,677 Prah Sihanouk 40 598 Kep 19 221 Phnom Penh 10 53 Kandal - 675,126 14,820,249 . The cassava production in Cambodia is largely localized close to borders of Thailand (west) and Vietnam (East), where most of the production is exported as fresh roots or dry chips. The CMD infected zone is in the east of Cambodia covering 5 Provinces. The yellow arrows indicate major trading routes for cassava roots and stakes.
CMD and Cassava Density Cassava is not planted uniformly in SEA. The density can be calculated from 0 to 75 Ha per km2. The development of a virus epidemic is related, among other factors, to the virus pressure. The virus pressure is the result of the number of infected plants per surface unit and the number of whiteflies per plant. In other words the more infected plants we have in a region and the more new infections will occur in that region if the insect vectors are enough to transmit the disease. The cassava density and the virus pressure should therefore be considered in a control plan. CMD infected fields only represent a maximum of 8% of the surfaces and compromise probably only 150,000 tons of cassava production. .
Whitefly populations in Cambodia
Whitefly populations in Vietnam
Cassava Mosaic in Cambodia Mild symptoms Healthy Plant Severe symptoms
Cassava Mosaic in Cambodia Newly infected Plant Healthy Plant Plant infected from stakes In the same field it is possible to find plants infected by cuttings or with new infection from whiteflies.
Cassava Mosaic in Cambodia Dr. Phirun Ive, holds a perfectly healthy plant (left) and one infected through cutting (right) from the same field in Kratie.
Cassava Mosaic in Cambodia Field infected with very high percentage and with relatively mild symptoms in Kampong Province.
Cassava Mosaic in Cambodia Effective management of cassava with maize, with less than 2% infected plants
Cassava Mosaic in Cambodia Fresh Root Transportation to Vietnam Stake Transportation from Vietnam Cassava root stock at a trader place in Stung Treng Province
Cassava Mosaic in Cambodia Transportation of stakes from Vietnam Cassava Mosaic in Cambodia Transportation of stakes from Vietnam Severe symptoms of CMD from leftover stakes Whiteflies on cassava leaf
Conclusion The following points seem to be clear: CMD was most probably introduced in north east of Cambodia from an unknown origin (presumably India-Sri Lanka). CMD in 2016 was restricted to 3 provinces in North East Cambodia, no recorded spread in Vietnam nor in Thailand. CMD in 2017 is spreading quickly; CMD present in 5 provinces in East Cambodia and at least one in Vietnam. With frequencies varying from 1% to 100% and severity from 1 to 4. CMD in 2018 is spreading further to 7 provinces in Cambodia and 5 provinces in South Vietnam The disease is mostly spread by infected cuttings, although whiteflies are present, they play a minor, but important role for the spread of CMD.
Conclusion… The fact that the CMD spread can reach a large territory in short period of time, and the fact that the spread is mostly done through cuttings is calling for a virus-free plant material control plan. Several initiatives have been taken; JICA, CIAT, FAO, ACIAR, but none at the level required to control the disease. There is a need to set-up a regional project because viruses do not stop at borders and because there is a lot of traffic of cuttings, at least between Cambodia and Vietnam. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam should all be enrolled in the plan. GCP21 could serve as a catalyzer to promote the development of this regional plan.
Justifications for a Regional Plan of Control Cassava Potential in the region. The total production of cassava in the region is now above 50Mt/y and this production continues to grow. The total number of cassava farmers involved in the region is unknown but can be estimated between 1 and 1,5 million farmers. The price of fresh cassava roots is variable ($50 to $120 in 2018) and therefore the total production represents between $2.5-$6 b/y of income for the farmers. Thailand and Vietnam starch production, representing another income in the region estimated to $4-5 b/Y. The potential impact of CMD on cassava? Experts agreed that in Africa losses could be estimated to an overall 30% of the production. A 30% impact would cost several billion dollars to farmers, to the industry and to the countries in the SEA region and may in fact jeopardize the whole cassava industry if prices of roots go below $60; CMD difficult to control. CMD cannot be controlled by biological control, nor by chemical, only genetics can control it, which will be very long to transfer into SEA varieties. Thailand and Laos should be involved. Even though CMD may not be present in Thailand and Laos, it is a matter of time before it would happen. Thailand has much to offer in term of R&D support, and improved varieties (KU, Rayong and TTDI).
Gathering a Consensus for a Regional Plan Visiting key partners in the region. - Cambodia: CMD - Vietnam: CMD - Laos: no CMD - Thailand: no CMD Contacting a variety of partners - Policy makers - Ministries of agriculture - Quarantine services - Extension services - Donor agencies Key points - blame concept - ignorance prevails - lack of R&D - collaboration indispensable
Gathering a Consensus for a Regional Plan Organizing a regional working group to define and adopt a regional plan of action in September 2018 Location: Phnom Penh Duration: 1 day presentations + 1 day discussions +2 days for writing the plan Tentative Dates: Sept 18-20, 2018 Countries participant: Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Lao International experts: UK, Nigeria, Tanzania, Germany, USA, India Participants: SATREPS-JICA, CIAT, FAO, GIZ, IITA, TTDI, KU, scientists, and plant protection and extension service officers of each country International Donors Representatives: AsDB, IFAD, UNDP, ACIAR, FAO, GIZ, AFD, EU… Objective: production of an agreed single regional control plan of action for 5 years
Key points of a Regional Control Plan for CMD Plan to control CMD The recent outbreak of CMD in and the fact that the epidemic seems driven by stake contamination is calling for a virus-free based control plan. Immediate actions: Common agreement about a regional alliance of the 4 countries through a stake holder meeting International communication about the situation and needs for the plan. Communication campaign to reach farmers and traders to get their participate to the plan. Surveillance system phone-based with symptom pictures Mapping of the distribution/severity of CMD per district/province Testing CMD resistant plants from India Short term actions: Multiplying certified virus-free mother plants and distributing/selling certified virus-free stakes. Set-up of a certified Virus-Free system accepted by all countries Plan to propagate healthy plants of new improved varieties to distribute in heavy infested region; Multiplication reference sites in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam of new virus-free varieties. Multiplication at the provincial level (and/or enrolled companies) to be done for the 2-3 major varieties received from Thailand and Vietnam (India) and virus-free material to be sent to every infected district, and subsequently sold to farmers. Priority given to districts were CMD is the most prevalent. Assessment of the effect of the plan associated with surveillance Training of farmers and traders to manage CMD Extension of the plan to less infected districts Mid-term actions: Testing CMD resistant varieties for agronomic and processing properties Multiplication and distribution of satisfactory varieties Long term actions: introgression of CMD2 in major varieties cultivated in the region such as KU50 or derivatives.
CMD Workshop on Phnom Penh 1 day of presentations 1 day of discussions with the whole group ½ day of donor round table 1,5 days of writing the plan with a small group of people