“Zambia’s Phytosanitary Status With Regard to Seed Certification” Name: Chaali E. P. Malauni Institution: Seed Control and Certification Institute - Zambia Title: Senior Seeds Officer Email Contact: chaaliepm@gmail.com “Zambia’s Phytosanitary Status With Regard to Seed Certification”
Outline Introduction Pest Risk Analysis Phytosanitary Procedures of seed Import and Export Experiences Recommendations Conclusion
Introduction Seed Control and Certification Institute (SCCI) - National Seeds Authority (NSA) in Zambia On Phytosanitary issues, SCCI works with Plant Quarantine and Phytosanitary Service (PQPS) - NPPO of Zambia SCCI is ISTA accredited, in the process of applying for OECD accreditation. It is the contact point for all Intl Seed Trade Works in line with COMESA Seed Trade Harmonisation
10 seed certification facilities country wide working with near PQPS station. The two institutions compliment each other in seed industry in phytosanitary issues
Seed Certification Stations in Zambia
Current Status of the Pest Risk Analysis Whenever there is need a PRA for any Seed borne disease is carried out by PQPS PRA Team Conducts all PRA Duration Days to months or years Sources of Information for Pest Risk Analysis Crop Protection Compendium, Internet based Sources, Experts and other Sources
Procedures of Seed Imports Notice to Import seed - (SCCI) at Mt Makulu Import Permit - Agribusiness & Marketing Dept Plant Import Permit -PQPS at Mount Makulu Phytosanitary Certificate with a Fumigation Certificate (if required) from the exporting country prior to dispatch of the consignment Inspection of seeds upon arrival – ISTA Seed Analysis Certificate from Exporting country
Procedures for Seed Exports Import Conditions from Importing Country (PIP) ISTA Certificate Export Permit Phytosanitary Certificate Treatment Certificate Laboratory Report
Successes Continued accreditation to ISTA Increase in number of Seed Companies and new International markets Strong collaboration among SCCI, PQPS and the private sector and other stakeholders in phytosanitary issues
RECOMMENDATIONS Electronic certification of documentation Improved ICT Capacity building in identification of diseases Field and Lab Seed Testing equipment
CONCLUSION To attain a sustainable food security - Need for a robust seed certification and phytosanitary system that facilitates safe trade. Not technical barrier to seed impede trade.
Seed Control and Certification Institute Mount Makulu, Thank you for listening Contact details Seed Control and Certification Institute Mount Makulu, P. O. Box 350199, CHILANGA, ZAMBIA Tel: +260211278236 ; Mobiles: +254709891000; Fax: +260211278170 E-mail: scci@zamnet.zm Website: www.scci.gov.zm