5th Grade News February 26, 2018 Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Newsletter cmorgan@effingham.k12.ga.us kedwards@effingham.k12.ga.us Upcoming Events March 6- Music in our Schools at Rincon First Baptist Church; 6:30pm March 16 –PTSO coke and Popcorn $1.00 March 19 – Report Cards March 22- PTSO; 7:00pm March 27- Spring Pictures March 29- Easter Party March 30 – April 6- Spring Holidays Tests and Quizzes Math –Mid Unit 6 February 28, Wednesday Reading – March 1- Thursday Reading Unit –March 7 Writing Unit –March 8-9 Word Study quiz –March 9 We Are Learning About… Reading –Comparing and contrasting two stories Assessment this Thursday Grammar and Writing- Verbs Perfect Tense Verbs, Opinion writing Assessment next week Math- Measurement and conversions Customary and Metric Social Studies-Cold War Word Study Quiz March 9 Words with jur, jus, jud = means law; justice abjure – to give up rights; to recant judge –a person who is chosen to interpret the laws, decide on a winner, or settle a controversy jurisdiction – the territory or land in which justice and laws are administered and followed jurist – an expert in law jury –a group of people sworn to abide by the laws to determine the truth just – lawful; fair justice – fairness; rightfulness justification – the fact that is said to prove something that is true justify – to prove; to offer perjury – to break the law by lying We are having a Box tops contest. The homeroom that brings in the most get a prize! 4H service projects-We are collecting pop tabs. Our next 4H date is February 15. We have begun to prepare for the Spring Georgia Milestones Assessment –The dates for this test are April 17 – 20. It is VERY important that our students are AT SCHOOL EVERY DAY before the test and during the testing days. We are reviewing every day and it will only help the student if they are at school. Remember this is a GATE year in Math and Reading. Students need to do their very best in order to have a successful outcome. We believe they CAN!!!! If you have this newsletter signed by a parent, you will receive a treat.