United Mission Dollars American Baptist Personnel Services Your United Mission Dollars at Work
Pray, Study, Discern Keep these Confidential! Look at these as individually Bring 5 first choices, then 5 second choices You are looking for God’s choice!
Keep these Profiles C O N F I D E N T I A L
Region where this person is presently serving/living or, division of ABC/USA where now serving. 3 Possibilities Open to Move Might Consider Not Interested
Please use home phone number Ask, “Is this a good time to talk?” Before using this e-mail address check out: Is candidate comfortable with this form of communication? Is this email for candidate’s eyes only?
Status Types Lay Professional Ordained ABC Standard (4 + 3) Non-ABC Ordained, Recognized by the ABC Ordained Non-ABC, Not yet recognized by the ABC Commissioned (By national or regional board) CPE = Clinical Pastoral Education
What to look for: Except for school years – length of tenure Break in Continuity in Pastorate (look at education) Types of positions Settings of pastorates
What do the *, 1, 2, and 3 signify? * - How the prospect rated herself/himself 1 - One person rated prospect here 2 - Two people agreed and rated prospect same 3 - Three people agreed and rated prospect same Where do these numbers come from? The prospect’s work on this profile includes making a request of 3 persons of his / her choice - who have witnessed this prospect’s ministry – to each fill out an ABPS Rating form. Each of these 3 persons rates the “degree of effectiveness” the prospect has had in each of 30 plus “functions and characteristics used to describe pastors…” The prospect also rates herself / himself using the same form, thus the “*”.
Here, the * signifies the prospect’s top foci / emphases.
Status Abbreviations: NC = Not Completed PR = In Process CO = Completed * - Verified (no asterisk = not verified)
Continuing Education Notes: 1 CE Unit = 10 clock hours Note the areas of study. Is there a specialization hinted at? Or, is there a pursuit of being well-rounded? Does the reporting show a disciplined and regular effort to grow further in ministry/life?
Notes about “Benefits” If this person is currently serving on the East or West Coast (or other area where real estate is high) expect requested Housing to also be higher than usual. In general: 4 weeks vacation Minimum of 1 week continuing education, with monies made available to help with this.
Read Narrative Carefully Note: What is most important to the candidate Let this narrative help “fill out” the picture the profile is painting of this candidate. Ask: Is this becoming more and more the one God is leading to us. Is there a “match?” Let the narrative help you form some questions to ask during an interview.
Notes on Work Style Ratings * Shows how candidate ranked self 1 = 1 ranked 2 = 2 agreed 3 = 3 agreed Please note: This is a set of continuums on which those invited to fill out the rating form have responded with their perceptions as to each of these “work styles.” There is no right / wrong nor effective / ineffective ranking here.
Reference 1 An ABC Regional Exec, Regional Area Minister, National Unit or National Executive Director. When calling a reference, be sure to ask “Who else needs to be asked about this person?” References 2 & 3 ABPS recommends that his person list those: “persons related to where you are serving.”
Notes on Personal Information: Full Name is given here. Please note middle initial, if given. As you note birth date, remember experience often comes with age, and energies and passion do not always ebb with the years! Note from the ages of the children whether it is probable that they are still at home or out on their own. Note the spouse’s occupation. Will he / she have an option to work or not to work. Is there an opportunity for his / her employment in the area?
United Mission Dollars American Baptist Personnel Services Your United Mission Dollars at Work
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