Transverse T1-weighted image series from T9–T13 showing the appearance of the Mm. multifidi (M), M. spinalis et semispinalis (S) and M. longissimus (LD) at each intervertebral segment (a) T9–10, (b) T10–11, (c) T11–12 and (d) T12–13. Transverse T1-weighted image series from T9–T13 showing the appearance of the Mm. multifidi (M), M. spinalis et semispinalis (S) and M. longissimus (LD) at each intervertebral segment (a) T9–10, (b) T10–11, (c) T11–12 and (d) T12–13. Anna Fredrika Boström et al. Vet Rec Open 2018;5:e000256 ©2018 by British Veterinary Association