CYBERBULLYING References: Fund for Civility, Respect, and Understanding OK, Inc. Friends4Friends Campaign
Cyberbullying Q & A What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is the use of the Internet, cell phones and other technology to send or post content that is intended to hurt or embarrass another person. What Constitutes Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying contains the same three elements that are found in all forms of bullying: Imbalance of power: People who bully use their power to control or harm, and the people being bullied have a hard time defending themselves. Intent to cause harm: Hurtful actions that truly occur by accident are not bullying. The person bullying must have a goal to cause harm. Repetition: Incidents of bullying generally happen to the same person over and over, from the same person or group.
Cyberbullying Q & A Continued… What are some examples of Cyberbullying? stealing a persons password and posing as them online creating a website with embarrassing or insulting content toward the victim spreading mass emails or text messages with embarrassing content about the victim Posting a person’s personal contact information (cell phone, email, etc.) so that others can contact/harass him or her Sending hurtful, rude or mean text messages about the person to others Spreading rumors or lies by email or on social networks Creating websites, videos or social media profiles that embarrass, humiliate or make fun of others How Does Cyberbullying effect and individual? Like all forms of bullying, cyberbullying causes psychological, emotional and physical stress. Each person’s response to being bullied is unique, but research has shown some general tendencies. reports that youth who are bullied have a higher risk of depression and anxiety. Bullying can lead to thoughts about suicide, sometimes persisting into adulthood. In one study, adults who were bullied as youth were three times more likely to have suicidal thoughts or inclinations. Youth who are bullied may retaliate through violent measures. In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990s, the shooters had a history of being bullied.
Did You Know… The term “cyberbullying” is used only when the bully and the victim are both under the age of 18. When one or both parties are adults, it’s called “cyberstalking” or “cyber-harassment.” Cyberbullying has become more common thanks to widespread access to cell phones and the Internet, even among young children. Often, kids who are cyberbullied also are bullied in person. Cyberbullying is against the law in New York. School districts are required to take immediate action in the event that a student is being cyberbullied or harassed in any way. Click the link to watch “Just A Little Fun”, a short film on Cyberbullying
What Can You Do If You Or Someone You Know Is Being Cyberbullied? Do not attempt to handle the situation alone. Talk to a trusted person to figure out the best ways to deal with the problem. Help can come from a family member, friend or another adult, such as a teacher or counselor. Do not respond to cyberbullying or try to retaliate. If someone has posted or sent a message that could be hurtful to others, refuse to pass it along. Speak up against bullying. It’s as simple as saying “Stop.” Keep evidence of cyberbullying. Record the dates, times and descriptions. Save and print screenshots, emails, and text messages. Block the person who is cyberbullying you. Many websites and phone companies let you block people. Also, cyberbullying may violate the “Terms and Conditions” of these services. Consider contacting the service provider to file a complaint. Report the incident to your school. They may be able to help you resolve the cyberbullying.