Notice the rings of very early pioneer stages on the outer rim and more advanced early seral species. Early seral plants are often annual, herbaceous, and have invasive characteristics.
Plant Community Succession (Initial Ideas -- Clements) Above average rainfall Successional tendency Succession Climax or Potential Natural Community Drought Grazing Pressure Retrogression Natural Potential When a perturbation (disturbance or stress as we will refer to it) causes a major ecosystem function to deviate from its normal operating range, the degree of deviation is a measure of relative resistance stability, whereas the time required for recovery is a measure of relative resilience stability. Notes from Steve Bunting – University of Idaho Pioneer/Early Late Seral Stage
Example - Sagebrush Steppe States Grassland Open Sagebrush Closed Depleted Annual Grass Dominated State Threshold Grassland Open Sagebrush Closed Depleted In some areas of the Great Basin we can observe a third state- that dominated by annual grasses such as cheatgrass or ripgut brome. The movement back into either the sagebrush state or the woodland state is difficult in these environments.