Overview of GIS ROI methodology (Reproduced from Maguire et al. 2008)
Ross Smith, GIS Consultant (Courtesy Ross Smith)
GIS project life-cycle stages
General model of the GIS acquisition process
Sample application definition form
A report produced by a local government GIS (Source: Mecklenburg County, North Carolina GIS; see polaris.mecklenburgcountync.gov/website/redesign/viewer.htm)
Gantt chart of a basic GIS project Gantt chart of a basic GIS project. This chart shows task resource requirements over time, with task dependencies. This example presents a straightforward chart, with a small number of tasks (Reproduced by permission of Washington State Department of Transportation)
(B) Land information map for part of Seoul (A) Seoul by night B (B) Land information map for part of Seoul (Reproduced by permission of Corbis) (© David Ball/© Corbis)
The GIS staff roles in a medium to large size GIS project