Overview of state of play of reporting under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Event/ date: WG D, 26 September 2012, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer/Petra Ronen
Reporting under UWWTD 2011 data request was launched in August 2011 Submission and QA/QC took place between December 2011- April 2012 Output: a complete EU27 (and Norway) dataset First submission 22 MS within the limit (February 2) Remaining 5 MS till the end of February Re-submission: No re-submission needed- 1 MS 1 re-submission:10 MS 2 re-submissions: 14 MS 3 re-submissions: 1 MS 4 re-submissions :1 MS UWWTD dataset closed – April 10 2012 PL data amendment received in August 2012, the data will be included into the updated UWWTD DB Working versions of the UWWTD production DB were provided to the consultant (from March-April 2012) Event/ date: WG D, 26 September 2012, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer/ Petra Ronen
Reporting under UWWTD and data products UWWTD Waterbase published on August 10, 2012 UWWTD data viewer developed WISE map viewer update in November 2012 GIS reference layer on sensitive areas updated Additional QA/QC carried out focusing on the data on incoming and discharged loads. Main objective of the quality assessment was to evaluate the plausibility of the data reported on incoming and discharged loads, prior to their publication (WISE maps, data viewer) and to their use for further assessments (e.g. indicators). Datasets of 14 MS were checked for data on design capacity, entering load (both in p.e.), BOD5 of incoming load, BOD5 of discharge (and the same information for COD, N tot and P tot in tones per year) treatment type applied (primary, secondary or other treatment, P removal and N removal) Flagged record were sent to the MS with a request for amendment (August 2012) Activities proposed for 2013: EEA request for improved structure of published UWWTD database might result in some changes to data model and reporting tools – to be discussed with MS in workshop early February Pilot for Structured Implementation and Information Framework (SIIF) Event/ date: WG D, 26 September 2012, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer/ Petra Ronen