Wed/Thurs 10/26&27 Take out Scarlet Letter, Chapter 3 Handout, Loose leaf paper, agenda/calendar
Homework Scarlet Letter 6,7,8 (Due Tuesday) Chapter 5 close reading questions “Hester at her Needle” (Due Tuesday) From Read and annotate for transcendental/romantic/gothic motifs (Due Tuesday) Hawthorn (even number groups) “Young Goodman Brown” Irving (odd number groups) “Devil and Tom Walker”
AGENDA Scarlet Letter Close Reading chapter 3 Writing Rhetorical analysis paragraph Level 3 assignment prompt and questions Civil Disobedience jigsaw reading
On Paper MLA heading Write the responses to all questions on separate paper in full sentences – EXCEPT for question 4 which may be done on the worksheet. With group- work on questions 1-4. When all groups are done with 1-4 Class share out- Continue on to Questions 5, 6 & 7 When class is done, share out.
Rhetorical Analysis - Independent Respond in a paragraph. Take about 10 minutes to do this part. Answer the question at the top of the worksheet: “What is Hawthorne’s rhetorical purpose (what does he want us to understand about Hester) in his portrayal of her standing on the pedestal holding little Pearl?”
Rhetorical Paragraph Look at question 7 and the example paragraph. Using the information we have dissected, write your own analysis focusing on antithesis as question 7 asks. When done, turn in the loose leaf with the handout under it. On top put the cover sheet (check list for chapters)
Scarlet Letter and Social Issues Read the assignment As a group decide on one question or clarification you need addressed
Civil Disobedience Read the assigned section (about 3 pages) Annotate for Purpose, and transcendental motifs Inherent goodness of man Beauty and Peace of nature Interconnectedness of all things