HIS-24K14me1 interacts with HPL-1. HIS-24K14me1 interacts with HPL-1. (A) FRET analysis of HIS-24::CFP and HPL-1::YFP in somatic nuclei. (B) FRET efficiency. Interaction between HIS-24 and HPL-1 is shown in red; lack of interaction is shown in blue. (C and D) Distribution of HIS-24K14me1 in embryonic nuclei (C) and in the polyploidal cell of the intestine (D) using STED. Scale bar, 2 μm. (E to G) Electron micrograph of HIS-24K14me1 in somatic nuclei. The right panel shows two different images of two nuclei. Arrows point to HIS-24K14me1 labeling (10-nm gold) of euchromatic regions (eu; less-dense regions); arrowheads indicate the positions of HIS-24K14me1 in the nucleolus. he, heterochromatin (electron-dense and dispersed regions); env, nuclear envelope; nu, nucleolus. Scale bar, 1 μm. Studencka M et al. Mol. Cell. Biol. 2012;32:251-265