Fiscal Policy
Output gaps in selected countries: 1980-2003
Output gaps in selected countries: 1980-2003 UK
Output gaps in selected countries: 1980-2003 USA UK
Output gaps in selected countries: 1980-2003 USA UK Germany
Output gaps in selected countries: 1980-2003 USA UK Germany Japan
The business cycle National output Time Potential output Actual output
The business cycle National output Time Potential output 3 4 2 Actual 1 2 3 4 National output Actual output 3 4 2 1 O Time
Fiscal Policy
Stabilisation policies If Ye < Yf, there is a danger of Keynesian unemployment The authorities should increase aggregate demand by adopting an expansonary fiscal policy by increasing government expenditure (G > 0) or decreasing taxes (T < 0)
Stabilisation policies If Ye > Yf, there is a danger of the economy overheating and inflation may increase The authorities should reduce aggregate demand by adopting a contractionary fiscal policy by reducing government expenditure (G < 0) or increasing taxes (T > 0)
The deflationary gap Y E O Ye YF Y
The deflationary gap Y E a Deflationary gap b O Ye YF Y
The deflationary gap Y E Injections Leakages Y a b Deflationary gap c YF Y
The inflationary gap Y E O Ye Y
The inflationary gap Y E O Ye Y
The inflationary gap Y E e Inflationary gap f O YF Ye Y
The inflationary gap Y E Leakages Injections Y e f Inflationary gap g YF Ye Y
Real and Money GDP