GOALS ~I can adapt writing to audience and purpose. 30 minutes Carousel Discussion: With a partner, travel to each of the ten posters. Discuss the statement on the poster. Leave a sticky note explaining why you agree or disagree with the statement.
GOALS ~I can adapt writing to audience and purpose. 5 minutes Carousel Discussion: I am going to give you a poster with all of its accompanying sticky notes.
Carousel Discussion: Read the responses. GOALS ~I can adapt writing to audience and purpose. 10 minutes Carousel Discussion: Read the responses. Determine the TREND in the responses. Choose the 3 most interesting responses to share with the class.
Carousel Discussion: We are now going to share! GOALS ~I can adapt writing to audience and purpose. 10 minutes Carousel Discussion: We are now going to share! Pay attention. When you see your assigned poster, be prepared to talk to the class. Share the trend and the 3 most interesting responses.
Love can fade or completely go away— even in a marriage or committed relationship.
Choosing the right career is the most important decision you’ll ever make in your life.
You can hate your job and still have a happy life.
Women tend to be more emotional about relationships than men are.
A man and a woman can be best friends even if they used to have romantic feelings for each other.
If you don’t like someone anymore, it’s best to keep them around until someone better comes along.
If someone doesn’t like you, it’s best to just keep hanging around them until they change their mind about you.
War changes a person.
What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.
Real men don’t cry.
Exit Ticket: What surprised you most about today’s activity? Explain. GOALS ~I can adapt writing to audience and purpose. 5 minutes Exit Ticket: What surprised you most about today’s activity? Explain.