The one and only, most magnificent… KS2 Arithmetic Test 2017 (Paper 1)
Adding 100 is much quicker to do in your head. Can I do this mentally? Always ask yourself this question, especially when you’re doing the first few questions. Adding 100 is much quicker to do in your head. Fun fact: unicorns can’t talk but they can think. And they think a lot. They also do all maths mentally because they can’t hold pencils with their hoofs.
Remember to put your answer in the answer box! Hmm, probably could have done that one mentally. But, no harm in checking. This is the answer box. It is a box to put your answer in.
Mustn’t get fooled by this! It’s easier than it looks! And dividing by 0 is always 0. You can definitely do this mentally! Dividing by 1 doesn’t change a number.
In case you’ve forgotten, this is the answer box Can you see what’s gone wrong here? In case you’ve forgotten, this is the answer box Make sure you copy your own answer correctly into the answer box. Super-helpful old man emoji
Me! Me! Pick me! I know what’s wrong! Can you see what’s gone wrong here? Someone has done the wrong operation! Look at the symbols carefully!
Here’s another wrong ‘un: Who are you? The maths police? Can you spot the mistake here? Well, yes, actually.
What I’m trying to say is…copy stuff properly: Numbers; Symbols; Answers.
Use times tables knowledge for this one – not a written method. Use this fact to help you: 5 x 7 = OK, no more jokes – I promise! What do you get if you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle and a rooster? A Cockerpoodledoo!
No sleeping during the test (but do get plenty of rest at home tonight). True fact: sleeping makes you billions brainy.
Use a mental method You are not allowed to use the calculator on your phone. In fact, you should definitely not have your phone. Or a fidget spinner.
Best emoji everrrrrrrrr. Mental method also
Not a mental method – show your working. Two marks for this bad boy! Correct answer = 2 marks Even with one little mistake you could get 1 mark.
It’s tempting, but don’t do it. Don’t even ask what the point of this page is.
If you do have extra time at the end, don’t waste it! Check the reading booklet to see if your answers make sense. Imagine you’ve not done the question then do it again – did you get the same answer? If not, which is the correct one? Don’t just stare around.
persevere do your best be relaxed