Chapter 4 Triumph of Industry 1865 - 1914
4.1 Technology and Industrial Growth - Objectives - Analyze the factors that led to the industrialization of the United States in the late 1800s. Explain how new inventions and innovations changed Americans’ lives. Describe the impact of industrialization in the late 1800s.
Tennessee Curriculum Standards 4.1 EH6.7.2 Recognize late 1800s technological/industrial advancements. EH6.8.2 Match innovators to their industrial/technological contributions. EH6.12.3 Assess effect of late 19th century technological innovation on Americans’ lives.
Terms and People 4.1 Entrepreneur Protective Tariff Laissez Faire Patent Thomas Edison Bessemer Process Suspension Bridge Time Zone Mass Production
Lecture 4.1 Encouraging Industrial Growth Innovation Drives the Nation The Impact of Industrialization
Formative Assessment 4.1 Social Studies Web Code = [nad] [1010] United States History (2008) Chapter 4 Progress Monitoring Section 1 (multiple choice 1-5)
4.2 The Rise of Big Business - Objectives - Analyze different methods that businesses used to increase their profits. Describe the public debate over the impact of big business. Explain how the government took steps to block abuses of corporate power.
Tennessee Curriculum Standards 4.2 EH6.8.2 Match innovators to their industrial/technological contributions. EH6.9.2 Compare economic disparities between industrial capitalists and other Americans.
Terms and People 4.2 Corporation Monopoly Cartel John D. Rockefeller Horizontal Integration Trust Andrew Carnegie Vertical Integration Social Darwinism I.C.C. Sherman Antitrust Act
Lecture 4.2 Fighting for Profits Debating the Role of Big Business The Government Imposes Regulations
Formative Assessment 4.2 Social Studies Web Code= [nad] [1010] United States History (2008) Chapter 4 Progress Monitoring Section 2 (multiple choice 1-5)
4.3 The Organized Labor Movement - Objectives - Assess the problems that workers faced in he late 1800s. Compare the goals and strategies of different labor organizations. Analyze the causes and effects of strikes.
Tennessee Curriculum Standards 4.3 EH6.9.2 Compare economic disparities between workers and Industrialists.
Terms and People 4.3 Sweatshop Company Town Collective Bargaining Socialism Knights of Labor Terence V. Powderly Samuel Gompers A.F.L. Haymarket Riot Homestead Strike Eugene V. Debs Pullman Strike
Lecture 4.3 Workers Endure Hardships Labor Unions Form Strikes Rock the Nation
Formative Assessment 4.3 Web Code= [nad] [1010] Social Studies United States History (2008) Chapter 4 Progress Monitoring Section 3 (multiple choice 1-5)
Summative Assessment Chapter 4 Web Code= [nad] [1010] Social Studies United States History (2008) Chapter 4 Progress Monitoring Chapter 4 (multiple choice 1-20)