Lesson 8.1 Review: Money Objective: To review, reinforce, and assess skills associated with counting and exchanging coins. Math Journal 2, Pages 151, 152, and 153 base-10 blocks (flats, longs, cubes) Story of Money Poster slate tool-kit coins overhead coins dice (2 per partnership) polyhedral dice Home Link Masters (page 221 and 222) Math Masters page 329, 223 Class Data Pad stick-on notes calculator Coin Top-It cards (modified)
Mental Math and Reflexes Write the numbers for each problem Insert a < or a > symbol. .
10 2 5 25 5 Math Message 1 nickel = ____ pennies 1 dime = ____ pennies 1 quarter = _____ pennies 1 dime = _____ nickels 1 quarter = _____ nickels 10 2 5 25 5
Counting Coins Write each amount two ways. 1 4 5 6 9 2 8 3 7
Play Coin Exchange Partners put 20 pennies, 10 nickels, 10 dimes, and 4 quarters in a pile. This pile is the bank. Directions: 1. Players take turns. 2. Whenever you can, exchange coins for larger coin. 3. The game ends when there are no more quarters in the bank. 4. The player with more money wins. To extend this activity, use 5 more of each coin and two polyhedral dice.
D D D P D N N N Q Draw amounts of money on your white board: 3 dimes and 2 nickels 1 quarter and 4 nickels 3 quarters and 3 dimes 3 quarters, 2 dimes and 4 nickels D D D N N P D N Q Show each amount using fewer coins.
Finding Values of Sets of Coins Partner Activity Math Journal 2, page 151 Online Links for first graders: Parkway Elementary's Grade One Site (scroll down a little for many math links) Count the Money Online Activity Which coin?
Investigating Spinning Colors Partnerships will spin the green, yellow, and red spinner 25 times. Record in the tally chart how many times the spinner lands on each color. Yellow Red Green Above, which will the spinner land on most, the: soccer ball the home the runner
Spinner Math Masters, page 328 Which are you more likely to spin? face monster bear Which are you more likely to spin? pig bear birds
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Class Spinner Results for Green 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Number of Partnerships What is the maximum? What is the minimum? What is the range? What is the middle value? 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 How many Green Spins
11:00 8:30 3:00 10:30 Make the clock say: 8:15 9:45 3:15 2:15 Practice Telling Time Make the clock say: 8:15 9:45 3:15 2:15 Move the times to the correct clocks: 11:00 8:30 3:00 10:30
Draw lines to match each face to the correct picture of the 3 dimensional object.
Counting Coins With a Calculator Partner Activity Take a small collection of pennies program your calculator to count by 1's or 5's or 10's or 25's switch roles the calculator must be reprogrammed each time to count by the correct amount
write a coin riddle for others to solve Coin Riddles write a coin riddle for others to solve use tool-kit coins to help solve the problems Play Coin Top-It directions in Lesson 2-3 Planning ahead: We will use some dollar bills in lesson 8.2
Home Link Master Math Masters, page 222
Home Link Master Math Masters, page 223
Practice Telling Time Math Journal Page 152
Student Page Math Journal 2, page 153
Home Link Master 8.1 Coin Combinations