Exporting Education UK Meeting 12 January 2018 CIEE, London
MAC Students Commission 2017
Who we are? Established in 2007 as a non-departmental public body, independent from Government. Provides evidence-based advice to Government on immigration issues. Makes recommendations not policy: the MAC advise, the Government decides. Chaired by Professor Alan Manning. The committee itself consists of immigration and labour market experts. Supported by a secretariat of economists, researchers and policy officials.
Our Commission: International Students The Home Secretary commissioned the MAC on the 24 August 2017. This commission broadly covers: An evaluation of the impact made by international students studying in the UK. The MAC has been asked to report by September 2018.
Call for evidence International Students Impact of international students: An assessment of the economic and social impacts of international students in the UK, including advice on: - The impact of tuition fees and other spending by international students on the national, regional, and local economy and on the education sector; - The economic and social impacts beyond education, including on the labour market, housing, transport and other services, in particular, the role they play in contributing to local economic growth; - Some breakdown of impacts by type and level of course, and institution; - The impact the recruitment of international students has on the provision and quality of education provided to domestic students.
The analysis so far.... International Students Published a briefing paper to accompany the Call for Evidence Covers a range of topics including a summary of the latest data on international students (both flow and stock); a brief overview of the literature on impacts; and a brief account of those staying in the UK after finishing their studies. The full report can be found here.
The timescales 4 Aug 2017 MAC publishes call for evidence and briefing paper – EEA migration 29 Sep 2017 MAC publishes clarification questions – EEA migration 27 Oct 2017 Deadline call for evidence – EEA migration 27 Jul 2017 HS Commissions MAC – EEA migration Sep 2018 MAC reports back to Government on both Int. Students and EEA migration 24 Aug 2017 HS Commissions MAC – International Students 3 Oct 2017 MAC publishes call for evidence and briefing paper – International Students 26 Jan 2018 Deadline call for evidence – International Students
Scenario Analysis (EEA migration only) Our plan 1. Briefing papers – EEA migration and Int. Students. Completed 2. Evidence gathering, stakeholder engagement and CfE. Ongoing + 27 Oct (EEA migration); 26 Jan (Int. students) Final reports by September 2018 providing advice and evidence on EEA migration and International students 3. Data analysis (scoping exercise and data analysis of key data sets). Ongoing Scenario Analysis (EEA migration only) 4. External research (Fiscal impacts of migration; productivity; economic and social impacts). May 2018 5. Literature reviews and international comparisons on the various topics. Ongoing
Stakeholder Engagement We are engaging with stakeholders to inform the MAC’s response to government. Evidence gathering meetings are taking place with representatives from all sectors of the economy Regional visits are taking place across: England Scotland Northern Ireland Wales The published Call for Evidence documents informs the stakeholder conversations.
Stakeholder evidence The MAC welcome evidence on the impact of students including: Part 1 Fiscal and other impacts What impact does the payment of migrant student fees to the educational provider have? What are the fiscal impacts of migrant students, including student loan arrangements? Do migrant students help support employment in educational institutions? How much money do migrant students spend in the national, regional and local economy and what is the impact of this? How do migrant students affect the educational opportunities available to UK students? To what extent does the demand from migrant students for UK education dictate the supply of that education provision and the impact of this on UK students?
Stakeholder evidence The MAC welcome evidence on the impact of students including: Part 2 Broader impacts What is the impact of migrant students on the demand for housing provision, on transport (particularly local transport) and on health provision? What impacts have migrant students had on changes to tourism and numbers of visitors to the UK? What role do migrant students play in extending UK soft power and influence abroad? If migrant students take paid employment while they are studying, what types of work do they do? What are the broader labour market impacts of students transferring from Tier 4 to Tier 2 including on net migration and on shortage occupations? Whether, and to what extent, migrant students enter the labour market, when they graduate and what types of post-study work do they do?
Thank you! MAC@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk