Possessive adjectives We use them to show ownership!
All the possessive adjectives Mi(s)……………my Tu(s)……...you (fam.) Su(s)……... your (formal, their Su(s)……...his, her, their Nuestro(-a,-os,-as)…our Vuestro (-a, -os,-as)…. Yours (fam) Su(s)…… your (formal, theirs) Su(s)…. His, her, (formal theirs, plural)
Possessive Adjective Rules Rule 1: In Spanish the adjective comes before the noun. (the possessive pronoun comes after) Ex: nuestra casa casa mia Rule 2: The ending of the adjective changes to match the gender of the noun. Ex: our girl nuestra chica our boy nuestro chico Rule 3: The ending of the adjectives changes if the noun is plural. Ex: our girls nuestras chicas
All the possessive adjectives Ex: my book…………..mi libro My books……………...mis libros Our brothers…………..nuestros hermanos Our sisters…………….nuestras hermanas Remember to look for number with mi, tu, y su. With Nuestro remember to look for number and gender.
There are 5 Possessive Adjectives Mi (my) Tu (your) Su (your (ud.)/their) Nuestro (Our) Vuestro Su (your uds./ theirs)
Three Possessive Adjectives have only two forms, singular and plural These three Possessive Adjectives change to plural form when the noun they modify is plural. Ex: Mi libro………………My book. Mis Libros…………...My books.
The three Possessive Adjectives are: Mi……..Mis (My) Tu…….Tus (Your) Su…….Sus (Your (Ud.)/Their)
The Adjective “our” has 4 forms: Nuestro Nuestro: changes with gender and number. The 4 forms are: Nuestro Nuestra Nuestros Nuestras
Examples of Nuestro Nuestro hermano……our brother It masculine and singular Nuestra heramana…..our sister It is feminine and singular Nuestros hermanos…..our brothers It is masculine and plural Nuestras hermanas…..our sisters It is feminine and plural
The plural, familiar, adjective “their” has 4 forms: vuestro Vuestro: changes with gender and number. The 4 forms are: Vuestro Vuestra Vuestros Vuestras
Examples of Nuestro Vuestro hermano……ya’all’s brother It masculine and singular Vuestra heramana…..ya’all’s sister It is feminine and singular Vuestros hermanos…..ya’all’s brothers It is masculine and plural Vuestras hermanas…..ya’all’s sisters It is feminine and plural