Mariana Vertenstein CCSM Software Engineering Group NCAR SEWG Priorities Mariana Vertenstein CCSM Software Engineering Group NCAR 1/1/2019
Main Priorities and Goals Enhance interoperability Increase software and scientific extensibility Optimize performance Improve software engineering infrastructure 1/1/2019
Improve Interoperability Both inter-model and intra-model Simplify and standardize exchange of information within CCSM Enable sequential or concurrent functionality Evaluate creation of single executable version of CCSM using ESMF – standardize interfaces for inter-model coupling Evaluate physics-dynamics coupling in CAM using ESMF Evaluate CLM-RTM coupling in CLM using ESMF 1/1/2019
Improve Extensibility Provide enhanced data model functionality (Data Model rewrite project) unify current scientific and software functionality permit straightforward creation of much needed new data models (such as SOM) permit new experiments involving prescribed forcing data to be carried out more easily Create and utilize capability to easily exchange new fluxes/tracers between components as new biogeochemical functionality of the model evolves (SciDAC collaboration) Create capability to run at high resolution and save information more frequently 1/1/2019
Improve Performance Instrument CCSM to better characterize performance. As model components evolve in complexity and increased resolution - continue to optimize performance on a select set of computer architectures. Incorporate performance regression as standard part of testing. Removal of future performance bottlenecks will necessitate parallel I/O. 1/1/2019
Improve Infrastructure Migration to new revision control system. Incorporation of a new bug tracking system. Creation of the new CCSM and CAM bulletin board this fall has greatly helped user community interactions. 1/1/2019
No official community support Community support sharply reduced. No official moderator of bulletin board. No patch distributions this spring. Official support policy now reflects this. 1/1/2019
Positive Steps Forward Implemented lightweight design review process Improved test suites (CCSM and CAM) Moved towards improved software design - new code now includes layering and use of interfaces Moved toward incorporating well-defined, standard interfaces where appropriate For setting … 1/1/2019
Positive Steps (cont) Moving towards some script/build standardization Improved communication - made a commitment to web pages and documents that communicate project requirements and process. Put time lines in place to facilitate planning and priority setting. 1/1/2019