Activité Intro 1. Je (aller) __________________________ 2. Le chat (avoir) _____________________ 3. Nous (faire) ________________________ 4. Les filles (être) _____________________ 5. Vous (aller) _________________________ 6. Tu (avoir)___________________________ VAIS A FAISONS SONT ALLEZ AS
So what is conjugation? What does « conjugate » mean? Verb Conjugation So what is conjugation? What does « conjugate » mean?
4 ESSENTIAL TERMS 1. Subject – The person or thing doing the action (je, vous) 2. Infinitive – The verb by itself (danser, parler, inviter) What others can you name? 3. Stem – The verb without the ER (dans,parl,invit) 4. Ending – The combination of letters that we put in place of the « ER » that we dropped earlier. Each Subject Pronoun has it’s own ending to be used. ER ENDINGS JE E (--) NOUS ONS (ohn) TU ES (--) VOUS EZ (eh) IL/ELLE ILS/ELLES ENT (--)
Let’s Try One Together Conjugate the verb PARLER (to speak) Remember to take away the ER before you add the endings Je Nous Tu Vous Il/Elle Ils/Elles PARLE PARLONS PARLES PARLEZ PARLE PARLENT
What about JOUER (to play), AIMER (to like) and CHANTER (to sing)? Je Nous Tu JOUES Vous Il/Elle Ils/Elles JOUE JOUONS JOUEZ JOUE JOUENT Je Nous Tu Vous AIMEZ Il/Elle Ils/Elles AIME AIMONS AIMES AIME AIMENT Je Nous Tu Vous Il/Elle CHANTE Ils/Elles CHANTE CHANTONS CHANTES CHANTEZ CHANTENT
Review Conjugate Subject Pronoun Infinitive Stem Ending Before you can go forward and conjugate more verbs you need to be sure you understand the following terms. Conjugate Subject Pronoun Infinitive Stem Ending
Let’s Practice…. 1. Je (travailler) ______________________ (I work) 2. Tu (penser) ________________________ (You think) 3.Il (commencer) _____________________ (He starts) 4. Elle (regarder) _____________________ (She watches) 5. Nous (fermer) ______________________ (We close) 6. Vous (nager) _______________________ (You swim) 7. Ils (arriver) ________________________ (They arrive) 8. Elles (écouter) ______________________ (They listen) penses commence regarde fermons nagez arrivent écoutent
There are 3 exceptions for our ER verbs that we need to keep in mind.
Exception #1: Le verbe Aller The verb “ALLER” meaning TO GO is not conjugated the same way as other ER verbs. It is a very important verb that we use often and we will be going over the conjugation later this week.
Exception #2: GER Verbs that end in GER such as; MANGER (to eat), NAGER (to swim) have a slight variation when conjugating with NOUS. Instead of taking away the ER and adding ONS. You need to add EONS. For example: Nous mangeons (we eat) Nous nageons (we swim)
Exception #3: CER Verbs that end in CER such as; COMMENCER (to start), LANCER (to throw) also have a slight variation when conjugating with NOUS. With NOUS you have to add an accent called a cedilla to the C. For example: Nous commençons (we start) Nous lançons (we throw)
Application de notre connaissance. On a document you are going to write 5 sentences using er verbs. The title will be LES VERBS ER You will need to include 5 different subjects or subject pronouns. You will need to use 5 different ER verbs. Please include images This is to be ready to show me Monday
Example 1. Tu manges une pomme. 2. Marc joue le guitar. 3. Christine et Julie chantent.