Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Probe 1 (degrees F) Probe 2 (degrees F) Trial 1 138 142.11 Trial 2 137 137.51 Trial 3 140.80 Trial 4 136 143.94 Trial 6 136.29 I used two temperature probes to find the temperature of the steak I am cooking. My steaks are perfectly cooked to medium-rare at 140 degrees F. I completed five trials with each probe. My results are in the table above. Compare the accuracy and precision of the two temperature probes.
Bonus Bellwork! The accepted value of the mass of a piece of diamond is 1.34 grams. I didn’t write down the mass I obtained when I weighed it, but I did write down my percent error of my measurement was 2.3%. What are the possible two mass values I could have obtained when I found the mass of the diamond?
The Forecast as of 8/24 Monday 8/22 Tuesday 8/23 Wednesday 8/24 Thursday 8/25 Friday 8/26 Task List: Bellwork Obs/Inf and Lab Safety SA Watch Mass/Volume/Density Video and Take Notes Individual and Group Work Time (Library 7th Period) Individual and Group Work Accuracy and Precision FA Watch Significant Figures Video and Take Notes Watch Scientific Notation Video and Take Notes (Library 6th Period) Open: Precision/Accuracy FA Accuracy/Precision FA Mass/Volume/Density FA Significant Figures FA Scientific Notation FA Due: None
Today’s Agenda Bellwork Individual and Group Work Time Library 7th Period