Exploring research in post-16 Researchmeet Exploring research in post-16
What did we see as the purpose of a researchmeet? The purpose of the event was to foreground research by FE practitioners with a view to explore, share, and celebrate the wide range of research that takes place within the sector, from action research to doctoral studies. By excluding research on, rather than within, the sector, it was hoped that FE practitioners would be more comfortable to share, discuss and attend.
An idea born of networking? I went to a LSRN meeting to discuss our research network, when I bumped into this chap……..
RESEARCHMEET #FEresearchmeet
Feedback “ Great to spend time with like minded individuals” “ I wanted to talk for longer and hear more” “Fantastic keynotes” “ Would have been nice to attend more than one workshop” 100% of the feedback received was positive!
Meta-network The Researchmeet is born of networking. Success of event, and development of event based on collaboration and networking. Exclusion of researcher from outside the sector, whilst providing a smaller space to develop identity with others, does have a limit to the support, skills and reach. A meta-network could create a pathway to new ideas, support, colleagues and opportunities. Conversely, by adding the voices of neophyte researchers into a wider network of FE researchers may also help develop new ideas, and provide fresh perspectives into the sector.