Kennedy Years The New Frontier
First Televised Presidential Debate
1960 Election Richard Nixon v. John F. Kennedy Most people who listened to the debate over the radio thought Nixon won. Kennedy proved to be calm, cool, and collected while Nixon was seen as being more nervous and unsure.
Show clip on Staff Common (PreAP Unit 10- 1960 Debate)
Significance First presidential debate where television and the media influenced the outcome of the vote Does this still happen today?
Kennedy 43 years old Roman Catholic From a wealthy, influential family
Kennedy Wins the Election JFK narrowly won the election
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you;, ask what you can do for your country.” Kennedy Inauguration speech
Domestic Programs “New Frontier”-name of Kennedy’s domestic program Kennedy’s main goals included: Economy Poverty relief Space Program
Economy slowed by the end of the 1950s Pushed for tax cuts and an increase in minimum wage ($1-$1.25)
Combating Poverty Kennedy became convinced that the poor needed help after reading the book “The Other America.” Many measures failed in Congress.
Other Kennedy Initiatives Defense build up Extension of Social Security benefits Aid to education Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Space Program Funding for NASA was increased Pledged to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade
“We choose to go to the moon”
In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon Space Race In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon John F. Kennedy did not live to see the achievement.
Armstrong, Collins, Buzz Aldrin
Armstrong works at the lunar module in one of the few photos showing him during the EVA.
How Mrs. Perucca remembers what year we went to the moon How Mrs. Perucca remembers what year we went to the moon... Thanks 90s Disney!
Assassination JFK traveled to Dallas, TX for the re-election campaign. While traveling in a convertible limousine JFK was shot.
Kennedy Assassinated: November 22, 1963
Oswald Lee Harvey Oswald was the main suspect. He was apprehended within an hour of the death. Jack Ruby then shot Oswald while in custody.
Warren Commission Lyndon B. Johnson appointed the Presidents commission to investigate the assassination. Earl Warren headed the commission The Warren Commission determined that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination.
Conspiracy Although the Warren Court determined that neither Oswald, Jack Ruby, nor any other American was involved, conspiracy theories still exist to this day.
JFK Documentary Start at 1:51:50