2 nd International Conference Graz October, 10 th 2012 Techniques to save water quantity PP5 (LCA) PPs: LCA, LfULG, RNA
Overview Aim and importance of the adaptation The techniques to save water quantity The steps needed to adopt the techniques The obstacles encountered and how these can be approached
Evaluate and develop techniques to save water quantity to be transferred to other countries High and rapid increase in the demand for water Higher temperatures and variability in precipitation patterns Promotes sustainable groundwater management and sustainable future planning throughout the EU Aim and importance of the adaptation
Malta No surface waters of economical importance Groundwater (44%) and Desalination process (56%) 4 out of 15 groundwater bodies classified as at risk of failing to achieve the WFDs due to groundwater quantity Both Mean Sea Level Groundwater Bodies yield 66% of the total groundwater extracted in the country Annual abstraction exceeding the mean annual recharge Source: MRA, 2011
Techniques Regulation of the private water supply operators Metering of private groundwater abstraction sources Increase the capacity of rainwater runoff storage facilities Pilot projects on water demand management and supply augmentation measures
Germany Rich in water resources (188 billion m 3 ) Some regions can only use a limited volume of water Groundwater is the source of approximately 75% of Germanys drinking water Few water bodies are of poor quantitative status (4%) Quantitative deficiencies occur due to mining activities
Techniques Regulation and laws (water laws, drinking water protection area) Artificial groundwater recharge mostly by bank filtration Most of the 80 dams in the country are linked in a composite system, in order to allow prolonged dry periods to be bridged Monitoring of the available water resources Stormwater management methods
How to achieve these water saving techniques? Water awareness – Education and Politics – Encourage local stakeholders to use TSE for agricultural purposes – Revise current local policies and legislations – Promoting water use efficiency measures in different sectors of the economy
Water Price – Enforce new legislations on boreholes to meter the quantity of water extracted from each borehole – Increase control on urban water demand through tariffs – Monitor and conduct frequent spot checks to minimise water theft and billing anomalies – Minimise water network leakages such as service-pipe leakages through better infrastructural techniques
Private and Public water saving measures – Stop function for toilet flushing – Self-closing water taps – Water saving shower heads, pressure regulators – Water efficient washing machines and dishwashers
Rainwater Management – Private household rainwater can be used for irrigation and toilet flushing – Water conserving operations in agricultural and industrial sectors – Promote the collection of stormwater runoff through better water management infrastructure techniques
Obstacles encountered and how to tackle them Consumption patterns may be difficult to change – Public perception is very hard to change – Regular meetings organised with stakeholders to evaluate their current activities and advise them to adopt water saving techniques
Lack of public awareness – Stakeholders participate in information meetings, conferences, and onsite sessions on the benefits of using specific techniques to save water quantity – Informative documentation to the public should be made available promoting the techniques to save water quantity in each economic sector
Limited water management infrastructure to save water quantity – Techniques to safeguard water quantity exist but these require efforts from the authorities to be implemented – Strategic assessments are required to identify the areas where water management infrastructure to save water quantity can operate Techniques and systems are more or less expensive – Costs and efforts to provide sufficient water for household, agriculture and industry are expensive – Infrastructure is costly and should be flexible
Conclusion Promote sustainable techniques to save water quantity All methods and techniques to save water quantity are useless unless we address the problem of poor water quality
Emma Cassar Water Resource Specialist, AIS Environmental Limited Thank you