Kansainväliset sopimukset Luento 4 Case 4 Matti Rudanko
(Formation of contract; sales contract; choice of law) Lecture 3: Slides Slide sets: 2; 5; 6, 7 (Formation of contract; sales contract; choice of law) Kansainväliset sopimukset luento 3
Case : Conclusion of Contract, Entire Agreemement Task: 1. English and Nordic Contract Systems: Entire Agreement 2. International Dimension: Choice of Law 3. Disclosure Duties upon Conclusion of Contract 4. Definition of Conforming Goods Kansainväliset sopimukset luento 3
Other Material and Further Reading Unidroit Principles 2.1.17 (Merger clauses) Ramberg, Jan: International Commercial Transactions (ICC, Kluwer, Norstedts 1998) p. 18 and 88 (see Slide set 7) Cf. Exam textbook: McKendrick, Ewan : Contract Law (9th edition, Palgrave Macmillan) 21.2: entire obligations Please make use of your knowledge of IB, Finance, Logistics, and other business economic or legal know how Kansainväliset sopimukset luento 3
Possible Tasks and Questions 4. Report the legal remedies available to a party to the contract for con-conformity of the goods 3. Account for the main differences between the English and Finnish law approach to “entire agreements” (merger clauses). Observe the possibility of interpretation of the contract (Unidroit Principles 2.1.17) and adjustment of contract (Contracts Act Art. 36) 2. The definition of conforming goods in international and Finnish sale of goods law 1. Choice of law questions: British or Finnish Kansainväliset sopimukset luento 3
Topics and Issues The Structure of Sale of Goods Contract British and Finnish contract law Entire agreement Interpretation of contract Contract law principles Adjustment of contracts Contract Law Regulation Sale of Goods Act (national) CISG Unidroit Principles British Law? International private law (choice of law) Non-conforming Goods Definition of conforming goods Information given by the seller in marketing Remedy alternatives Kansainväliset sopimukset luento 3