Training programme MODULE I Project number 2016-1-BE02-KA202-017389
Introduction Produced by
INNOVAL PROJECT PRESENTATION Main objectives of InnoVal: Mainstream and encourage the use of innovative methods for validation of non-formal and informal learning by validation practitioners (teachers/trainers/counsellors) Encourage better recognition of learning outcomes in order to broaden access to lifelong learning and to empower the most disadvantaged groups (NEET’s, low-skilled adults, individuals with disabilities, refugees and migrants) – InnoVal’s target groups
CONSORTIUM Portugal Greece Belgium France Spain Belgium
INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS (IO) Desk Research on the use of assessment methods for validation Online consultation on barriers and enablers to the use of alternative assessment for VNFIL Report on the needs of InnoVal project’s target groups (low-skilled adults, including early school leavers, migrants/refugees and people with disabilities) IO1 Needs Assessment Review Collection by all partnersof innovative assessment methods used in VET and HE IO2 Innovative Methods for Assessment Validation Toolbox Training Programme Videos about the case studies collected Creation of Open Educational Materials IO3 Training Programme & Open Educational Materials
INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS (IO) Will contain the Training Programme, the Open Educational Material and the Validation Toolbox IO4 Creation of the Online Learning Environment Collection of the recommendations on Piloting the Training Programme given by participants of the different training workshops organised by the project’s partners IO5 Report on the Piloting of the Training Programme Aims at policy makers and validation practitioners Builds on the findings of needs assessment review (O1), online consultation (O1) and the case studies (O2), as well as on the feedback on the Educational Material collected among the practitioners (O3) IO6 Innoval Advocacy Pack
INNOVAL TRAINING PROGRAMME Aims to: Answer to the needs reported by InnoVal’s target groups and by validation practitioners on the Needs Analysis Report and on the Online Consultation Provide validation practitioners with understanding of a range of innovative methods for validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) Provide validation practitioners tips, suggestions and tools to support them in their work with learners Connect theoretical contents with practical examples based on case studies collected by all InnoVal project partners Builds on: Needs Analysis Report Online Consultation Desk Research
TRAINING PROGRAMME: LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this Training Programme, validation practitioners will be able to: Put suggested innovative methods for validation into practice Ensure that the approaches are appropriate for their learners’ needs Help learners validate their skills and knowledge The ultimate goal is to promote learners’ social integration and employability, helping them to build confidence, self-capacity and to identify their educational and professional paths.
TRAINING PROGRAMME: CONTENT MODULE I: Introduction Contents Description of InnoVal project and its objectives Needs reported on Need Analysis Report and Online Consultation Main objectives of the Training Programme Presentation of the Training Programme contents – Modules and their description Characteristics of the Modules and aim of the Training Programme
TRAINING PROGRAMME: CONTENT MODULE II - Innovative Methods for Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning Focuses on different approaches validation practitioners may take with their learners, respecting their characteristics and needs in order to promote successful validation processes The approaches to VNFIL highlighted in the training programme are based on innovative methods (i.e., rubrics, portfolios, simulations, etc.) Mentions alternative/standardised assessments and criteria, as well as formative and summative methods in order for practitioners to know what they can choose to apply to their target groups Provides practical examples for a better understanding of each type of assessment
TRAINING PROGRAMME: CONTENT MODULE III – Affective Learning Contents Introduction Management of learners’ anxiety in assessment contexts Capacity building of assessors/counsellors
TRAINING PROGRAMME: CONTENT MODULE III – Affective Learning Contents tips and suggestions on how to deal with and manage learners’ anxiety in assessment contexts, and to avoid unpleasant feelings they may have associated with the school environment Provides tips for capacity building.
TRAINING PROGRAMME: CONTENT MODULE IV - Barriers and Enablers to the Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning Contents Introduction Barriers Enablers Business model for implementing methods for validation of non-formal and informal learning
TRAINING PROGRAMME: CONTENT MODULE IV - Barriers and Enablers to the Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning Description of the social and technical barriers to the use of innovative methods for validation of non-formal and informal learning Presentation of some enablers that can allow practitioners to deal with those barriers Reference to the definition of business model and suggestions on potential sources of sustainable funding based on Cedefop’s reports on the matter.
TRAINING PROGRAMME: CONTENT TOOLBOX Contents Videos and descriptions of the different innovative methods for VNFIL mentioned throughout the Training Programme Links and references for validation practitioners for each Module Glossary that allows practitioners to search for a given description in a practical way.
TRAINING WORKSHOP: MAIN OBJECTIVES The main objectives are: Testing the project’s Training Programme Collecting feedback and recommendations on how to improve it Gathering recommendations from participants on how to foster the development of innovative and alternative assessment methods for validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) Presenting the summary of results of the Reports developed in the beggining of InnoVal project.