Project Analysis Course ( ) Final Project Report Overview
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1. Introduction Start with the discussion of the general area you are working on i.e. inventory management, business dashboard, reservation systems, etc. General overview of what is the area about?
2.Project Description Detailed description of your specific project It needs to introduced 2 or 3 paper related to application case (like: student information system) Refer to 1 or 2 scientific paper(s) in the field of requirement engineering
2.1 Project Goal Detailed description of the goal of your project. Recall first week report. The goal should be precisely stated… e.g. The project aims at developing a dynamic web based system that will keep track of customer information and sales……… ………………
2.2 Project Scope The projects you are doing are very extensive generally, here provide explanation of the scope of your project o what exactly will you be able to cover in the project and what will you not cover o Address three aspects of geographical, technical, and problem context
2.3 Scenario Explain the as-is and visionary scenarios for your system, precise and well-defined.
2.4 Intended Users and Stakeholder Provide descriptions of the users of the system Dont mix projects stakeholders with systems stakeholders Do not go into details on what each user will do, just provide a brief explanation of the users roles
2.5 Context Diagram Show the system interactions with stakeholders o Include the inputs and outputs o Consider System as a black box
3. Requirement Elicitation & Analysis Techniques Provide explanation of the requirement gathering techniques you used in your project For each identified technique, show how the technique was used Then providing a description of the requirement analysis technique(s) you followed in your project Note only saying we followed this technique (e.g. OOP, Agile), but what steps you followed in the process.
4. Functional Requirements Provide the description of all functional requirements of the system They should be well organized and structured
5. Non Functional Requirements Provide the description of all the non functional requirements of the system They should also be well organized and structured Note: requirements might have changed in the process and hence next section you will describe the new generated requirements
6. Constraint Provide the description of all constraint of the system Dont mix them with non functional requirements
7. Change Management 7.1 Change Definition Specify the change you have considered Defined change (s) should be remarkable and effective
7.2 Revised Requirement Analysis Results In this section provide a description of the new modified requirement, Scenario, context diagram,…. generated after the first assumptions, in different sections You should discuss both revised functional & non functional requirements These revised requirements are the ones used in system modelling 7. Change Management (cont)
8. Use Case Modelling Start this section providing explanation on the main actors of the system and their roles, and the scenario for the whole use case 8.1 Use Case Actors Introduce Actors
8.2 Use Case Diagram Provide UCD At least two use case diagrams 8.3 Use Case Description Provide descriptions for all use cases in the diagrams Description should be in tabular format should contain: Use case name Actors Pre conditions Post conditions Main flow of events Alternative flow of events
9. Prioritization Described the chosen techniques Prioritize the finalized requirements
10. Information System Design Provide a short description of the aim of this section which is, designing class and behavioural diagrams 10.1 Structural Diagram Start by identifying the classes, attributes, and methods. (can be in tabular format) Then provide at least one class diagram
10.2 Behavioural Diagrams Start by a short introduction on what this section is about Provide the full description of the sequence(s) diagram + the sketch(s)[ at least 3 diagrams] Provide description of activity diagram(s) [ at least 3 diagrams]
11. Requirement Validation Here discuss the approaches you used in validating your requirements and deliverables You should not focus only on which approaches you used, but what processes were involved in each approach Recall class lecture on validation
12. Conclusion, lessons-learned & Future work Conclude your work by summarizing what you did in the project, what lessons you have learned Provide a short description of the future remaining work in your system. References Provide a list of references you have used in your work Glossary with definitions Final project schedules with youre your group members role
Report Length Should be Pages Use Arial / Times new roman fonts (size 12). Use justification property in the text. Spacing between text should be 1.15 Generate auto- table of content (define headings & subheading) Main sections should start in a new page (i.e. sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …..) Sub sections should not start in new pages (i.e. 1.1,..3.1, ….)
Minimum Deliverables 1.Scenario and Context Diagram [one] 2.Use Case Diagram and Related Specification (S) [two] 3.Class Diagram [one] 4.Sequence Diagram [three] 5.Activity Diagram [three]
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