Removing excess sediment. Move 1 space START Forest You were almost caught by a fisherman. Move 3 spaces back. FOOD FOOD Clearing/deforestation: The loss of trees, which anchor the soil with their roots, causes erosion Excess sediment due to erosion clog fish gills . Move 2 spaces back. Overgrowth of invasive plants. Skip 1 turn Pesticides are bioaccumulating in your body. You have only 4 more turns to get to the end. Agriculture: use of pesticides is contaminating the water and the food web of the river.
Middle school students cleaning the river and planting native trees This area has been restored Move 2 spaces Live stock: add nutrients to the water, which cause overgrowth of invasive plants You have been blocked by a beaver damn. Wait. for a flood Skip 2 turns FOOD FOOD A bird eats you. Start all over again. Removing invasive species You were caught by a fisherman. You are out of the game. FINISH The area has been cleaned. Move 1 space.