Eon the Donkey By Carlene Connell For grades 2-6 Spanish in general Colors in specific
Help Eon the Donkey find his way back home
Eon needs your help with his Spanish He especially needs help with his colors. Please help him get back home by matching the English descriptions given with the correct Spanish descriptions for each question.
Which one is a yellow bus? El camión amarillo El camión verde La búsqueda amarillo La búsqueda verde
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is a blue car? la carta morada el carro verde el carro azul el libre blanco
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is a brown house? la casa blanca La casa roja La casa anaranjada La casa marrón
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is a black pen? la pluma blanca la pluma noir la pluma azul la pluma amarilla
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is a white door? la puerta roja la puerta rosada la puerta blanca la puerta verde
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is a black shirt? la camisa noir la camisa blanco la camisa azul la camisa amarillo
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is a red book? el libro amarillo el libro rojo el libro morado el libro verde
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is a brown chair? la silla anaranjada la silla roja la silla blanca la silla marrón
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is purple grapes? las uvas moradas las uvas azuls las uvas marróns las uvas rojas
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is an orange fruit? la fruta amarilla la fruta anaranjada la fruta gris la fruta blanco
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is a pink flower? la flor roja la flor verde la flor rosada la flor azul
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Which one is a grey cat? el gato blanco el gato negro el gato morado el gato gris
Incorrect but good try. Try Again please.
That’s correct. Good Job! Eon the Donkey is a little closer to home. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for helping Eon find his way back home!