5-21-14 Teacher : Mrs. Lynch TENNESSEE Adrian
Location Surrounding States: Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Georgia, Missouri. Nickname of state: The volunteer state. Population: 5,962,959. Motto: Agriculture and commerce. Date of admission: July 1 1796.
State Symbols State flag: State flower: Iris State tree: Tulip Polar State bird: Mockingbird
Point of Interest: Great Smokey Mountain National Park Details: Includes Appalachian Trail, authorized in 1926 and established in 1930, made of 521,621 acres of land.
Famous Person: Morgan Freeman He is a famous actor and narrator. He appeared in the Batman trilogy, Oblivion, Shaw Shank Redemption, The Lego Movie, March of the Penguins, Evan Almighty, Bruce Almighty, and more.
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