Providing Quality eLearning Services to New Mexico
IDEAL-NM is Successful! Used by 13 Rural Higher Ed Institutions 56,848 user accounts 16,033 online courses migrated Used by 36 Rural School Districts Used by 15 Charter Schools Used by 30 State Agencies/ Organizations Total 3306 Cyber Academy enrollments from 72 School Districts to date
Issues IDEAL-NM faces Insufficient funding to support LMS Contract Questionable program sustainability Reliance on temporary funding models Need for partnerships Increasing interest Wimba meetings are on the rise Increasing Cyber Academy enrollments from Graduate NM Increased interest for professional development Decreased budget and possible personnel reduction Reliance on LMS we cannot afford.
Dependent Programs/Agencies TECHNICAL & TRAINING SUPPORT Regional Education Cooperatives (REC’s) Professional Development training, Statewide outreach State Agency Training & Prof. Development in partnership with NMSU & APS Combined with K12 users, course development, training –Common required (i.e. sexual harassment) Gov’s OFBCI Virtual Conference Conference in conjunction w/White House OFBCI NM Taxation & Revenue MVD System Training to roll out large scale system to 100 sites SPO, NMSU Prof Devel, & DOH Statewide new employee orientation, Supervisory and Managing employees training NM Department of Health H1N1 & HIPAA courses Multi-Agency 8-week eDeveloper’s Certification Course SRCA – Multi-state (CA, AZ, OR) participation in courses Rulemaking Course; four others in development NM Public Education Department Special Ed training, STARS/data coordinator training HSD, CYFD, EMNRD, Statewide training and outreach Firefighters Academy Develop online instruction & training & certification for all volunteer firefighters NM State Purchasing Vendor Training and outreach NMORR Training modules for Recovery Office Graduate New Mexico Governor announced IDEAL the mechanism for recruiting & graduating 10,000 dropouts
Long Term Opportunities Partnership with DoIT Hosting of statewide LMS Hosting of statewide Video Conferencing/Web Conferencing Leverage current state position (e.g. 200,000 user license) Renegotiate contract Move to a different LMS Regionalize IDEAL-NM business provisions Help Desk services/ Professional Development Partnership with other PED/HED projects (Carve Your Path, NM Achieves, Race to the Top, Graduate NM) Establish Service Center Collaborations with REC’s(Regional Educational Cooperatives)
Project Close Out Disposition Special Appropriations $6.4 Million spent $250k spent Blackboard Contract Still open $953k annually Up for negotiation or cancellation Blackboard Invoices FY11 Hosting ($853k) unpaid FY11 ICM ($100k) unpaid FY11 Course Material license ($7k) unpaid
IDEAL-NM Awards and Achievements Online Learning Policy and Practice 2008 Award (6th in the Nation) 2009 Award (3rd in the Nation) Council of State Governments (CSG) 2009 Innovation Award