ASSOCIATED LABOR UNION TRADE UNION CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES Campaign and Training Activities on the Occupational Safety Health for the Trade Union in the Workplace Organization ASSOCIATED LABOR UNION TRADE UNION CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES
BACKGROUND and JUSTIFICATION: With the high turnout on the information and training activities conducted by the our federation and assistance of the Department of Labor and Employment, there were 3 training courses were offered: 1. Construction Safety Training 2. Basic Application of OSH 3. Training Relatedness of Diseases. In terms of the training program, information activities and advocacy it carried out a forum on OSH attended by 75 people from our various union locals, informal and other key various multi sectors in the area. The forum was indeed covered by radio program over DYLA, which is an economic arm of ALU.
With the continued support and good relationship with other government agencies, our partnership and networks in the OSH program sustained. Through this joint efforts, the parties have come up with one specific program on Construction Safety Training program considering that workers in the construction industry are more risk to accidents and injuries which includes slips and falls from height as evidenced by the increase in the number of approved authorities which revolved around in the new construction, alteration and repair of residential and non.residential buildings and other structures.
SUMMARY ON THE TRAINING SUMMARY: Construction Safety Training Course: In the course in the training program, the participants acknowledges and recognized the importance and the value of the training program that there is a need of strengthening in the implementation of the safety training course. In the same manner, the participants suggested to pursue a follow up for the benefit of safetyness of the construction workers. The training course program were attended by the managers, project supervisors and other related construction firms.
BASIC OSH: Issues on awareness were being heightened from the various sectors including the employers. As a response from the participants, they were able to apply the method from the acquired knowledge they have gathered and learned during the training course. Hence, introduces the ideas to organize and to formalize a safety group of practioners to serve as venue in view of ideas on safety and health practically in the workplace.
WORKSHOP ON RELATEDNESS OF DISEASES: The workshop eventually turn out effectively and successful in generating on understanding on occupational work related diseases. The prospected groups are composed of physicians, supervisors, nurses, employers and workers. Base on the workshop study, the training program generated a wide understanding on the scope of occupational work related diseases. The course were attended by 30 participants.
Immediate Objectives: > adopt compliance of the awareness Development Objective: This work plan provides and contributes to the fulfillment on the awareness of occupational sfety and health of the workers in the workplace. Immediate Objectives: > adopt compliance of the awareness > healthy environment > free accident
ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE OBJECTIVES: > Research what other benefits can OSH may give to the workers > Setting a regular time for the workers, employers information meeting > Follow up seminar should be done monthly > Gather suggestions > Regular monthly meeting and review to make sure that they are contended
COMPLETION / DURATION OF WORKPLAN The duration of the workplan is essentially a continuous in process considering that the federation (ALU) is doing the campaign and the training program almost every month in the workplace. Eventually, this kind of training program has been a part to the yearly program and campaign of TUCP.
* Local Union Officers TARGET GROUP * Employers * Various sectors and other affiliates