Lesson 1: Minerals and Rocks Chapter 3 Lesson 1: Minerals and Rocks 4th Grade Science
What is a Mineral? Mineral Physical Property A natural, nonliving substance that makes up rocks Physical Property Can be observed without changing the identity of the substance
Properties of Minerals Color What color we see the mineral Hardness A mineral’s ability to scratch another mineral
Properties of Minerals Luster How light bounces off the surface of a mineral (Dull, Metallic, Pearly, Adamantine) Streak The color left behind when you scratch the mineral on something
Activity – Rocks! Question – How do we describe rocks? Hypothesis – Supplies – Conclusion – Luster Hardness Streak Color
The Rock Cycle Rock Cycle Resources The constant changing of rocks on earth Resources Materials on earth that have useful properties http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=243778