Understanding your ACT Explore Results Mrs. Oliver HGMS Student Services
Before we start… Your scores are your business! Not anyone else’s We are going to go over several sections: Your scores What you can do to improve for next time Career and high school information
Let’s look at how the score report is set up…. http://www.act.org/explorestude nt/score/whatmean.html
No matter how well you did, we all have things to work on! Handout On your handout, please fill out two things you can do to improve in each subject area You don’t have to put the 1st two things your report lists… read through them all, then pick out two that actually seem helpful and like things you can do! No matter how well you did, we all have things to work on!
Careers Now look at your world-of-work wheel Compare this to the results you got in 7th grade Have your preferences stayed the same? Changed? The shaded area(s) are the career fields that you prefer based on how you answered certain questions Let’s explore the different types of careers in each field….
What does this have to do with high school? In 10th grade, you will take the PLAN In 11th and 12th grade you will have the option of taking the ACT
High School… Use the information from this test as you start thinking about your future and the classes you want to take If your career profile said you enjoy working with people and data, what classes would be good for you?? Registration will start in February/ March Start planning now!
Thinking about 9th grade…. When teachers are deciding what level of a course you should take (honors, AP, etc.), they consider: Grades/ EOC scores Work habits Thinking skills Motivation Teacher recommendation
High School Curriculum Fairs Thursday, February 20th for most high schools that you all are going to (Fuquay, Holly Springs, and Middle Creek)