In this lesson students will make their teams’ social action plan


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Presentation transcript:

In this lesson students will make their teams’ social action plan In this lesson students will make their teams’ social action plan. The planned social action can take place anytime between now and the Final. All the money raised/hours given will be collated and presented at the final as part of the presentation

Emphasise the planning nature of this lesson – students need to come up with a plan for how they will give to their charity. This could be fundraising or raising awareness. This is a really exciting opportunity for the students to be creative, but they must also be realistic!

Teacher to pull up charity website so the class can fill out the above info in their coursebooks page 18. The next page of the student book (page 19) is for when the charity comes to meet the class so shoudn’t be used this lesson

Ask the class for ideas – encourage them to think widely about what people do to support charity. This could be give them money, fundraise, volunteer, raise awareness etc.

Ask students for suggestions before revealing definition Ask students for suggestions before revealing definition. Social action is taking steps to improve society. During this programme they will do this by supporting local charities that are working to improve society in relation to particular social issues.

Card sort (perforated cards in the coursebook page 22) Card sort (perforated cards in the coursebook page 22). Sort the activities into categories of fundraising and raising awareness – an example of each shown.

This is to encourage students to start thinking about how they can get the most out of an idea – 2 examples are shown. So for the fundraising idea of a cake sale, they can also raise awareness by handing out leaflets. For the raising awareness example of an assembly, they could also turn this idea into fundraising by collecting money on the way out. This is all about getting the students to think about how they can have the most impact from their ideas and turn it into the best piece of social action possible. Get the teams to have a go themselves with an activity each.

Go through the first case study together – they spend it total 5 hours each and make £24. Get the students to fill out the second case study (answer: 4 hours and £42) and answer the question ‘which activity is the most effective and why?’ – discuss findings. They should have realised the most efficient activity is activity 2 because it makes more money in less time. They should be thinking about this when planning their activity.

Make their social action plan Make their social action plan. If students are stuck you can direct them to the ideas from the card sort. They should complete two copies of their plan – one team copy to complete themselves and one teacher copy to hand in for you to keep. Use the myfirstgive portal to log the progress of all of your teams and any money raised. They need to have completed their activities before the School Final, as all money raised/hours given must be presented at the Final.

Ask students to turn to the back of the books to page 44 – ask them to tick which professional skills they think they have developed. Share with the rest of the class.