HADITH 37 for ages 9-10
Lessons learnt from this Hadith: Muslims should always love one another. By giving gifts to another Muslim it shows our love for him. Giving of gifts removes hatred from the heart. If we give someone a gift we should never ask him to return it. We should make a habit of giving gifts to one another. We should not feel shy to give simple things as gifts.
Various colors of construction paper Markers or gel pens PROJECT – To decorate a notebook for your friend . What you'll need: Any color of construction paper for the background that is large enough to fit the cover of your notebook (smooth paper is best) Stencils Various colors of construction paper Markers or gel pens Clear Con-Tact paper Scissors Pencil to trace designs Double stick tape http://crafts.kaboose.com/decorative-notebook.html
How to make it: Cut the piece of construction paper for the background of your cover and attach it to the front of your notebook with double stick tape. Pick a stencil for the front of the notebook. Trace the stencil onto the different colors of construction paper with the pencil. Cut them out and arrange them on your notebook however desired. Attach them with double stick tape. Decorate the stencils with markers or gel pens. Cover the whole front of the notebook with the clear Con-Tact paper. You can use this same idea to cover the back of the notebook, too.
PROJECT IDEA-1 What you need: 1 pair of old jeans Scissors Glue gun or strong glue 1 or 2 notebooks Glitter Craft glue Stickers and decorative odds and ends or even crack out the Be-dazzler What to do: Remove the back pockets from the jeans in one piece (this should be done by an adult) Flip the pocket over so that you are looking at what used to be the front inside of the pocket Place a thin line of glue along the bottom edges and sides of the pocket but do not put the glue on the top Decide where you want the pocket, flip it over and stick down Then turn it over to the kids and let them run wild decorating it with their creativity – stickers, feathers, jewels or any other craft bits they have. PROJECT IDEA-1
Happy Land for Islamic Teachings Material taken from the book “Tasheelul Ahaadeeth wal Akhlaaq