The benefits to perform FMEA Improve product (Decrease problem) Reduced manufacturing problems Improve customer satisfaction The purpose is to focus on the failure modes caused by process or assembly operations errors and to minimize those deficiencies. Risk assessment P: Is the Probability this failure will occur. Range from 1 - 10, with 10 is being near certainly of occurrence S: Is the Severity of the effect of the failure on the rest of the system if the failure occurs. Range is 1 - 10, with 10 meaning that the safety of the user is in Jeopardy D: Is the effectiveness of the current controls (In place) to identify the potential weakness or failure prior to release to production or the customer. Range from 1-10, with 10 meaning the Design weakness would certainly make it to final production or the A/C without detection. RPN= PxSxD Risk assessment: Is the combination of the probability of an event or failure. Priorities are based on the highest RPN (Risk Priority Number) or where the major safety issues are.
Rank Criteria 1 It is unreasonable to expect that minor nature of this failure will degrade the performance of the system 2 to 3 Minor nature of failure will cause slight annoyance to the customer 4 to 6 Moderate failure will cause customer dissatisfaction 7 to 8 High degree of customer dissatisfaction and inoperation of the system 9 to 10 Very high severity ranking of terms of safety-related failures and nonconformance to regulations and standards.