What’s the point of Snapchat and how does it work? Snapchat is a photo- and video-messaging app. It launched in 2011.
Some activities for students using Snapchat
Have some fun with drawing Drawing on a picture before sending it on Snapchat may be one of the favorite features. Have fun with it! Students will get some pictures, they have to draw something unique on them and finally describe the created situation. It can show student’s personality, creativity, imagination and can improve the student/teacher relationship.
Real-world examples Sometimes it is much easier to express your thought or idea with the help of pictures. Have you ever thought about real examples of the truth that could be provided to share it with others? If yes, Welcome Here!
Movies Tell a story 10 seconds of truth at a time. Add short video clips to a story revealing some truth about you and your life. If other students follow you, this could be a great, fun way for students to engage in content. They are able to craft their own Snapchat movies incorporating what they know or how they feel the essence of truth.
Speech bubbles Once you’ve taken a picture in Snapchat, use the drawing feature to add a speech bubble (draw an outline of it and fill it in with white). Everything you have to do is to add a funny, interesting quote next to someone (or something’s) picture. If students follow you, they can send these snaps to you to engage in your content.