LAMAS Working Group 20-21 January 2016 Agenda Item 4.3 Draft report to the EP and the Council on the implementation of JVS regulation
Introduction JVS Regulation, article 10, requires the Commission to report to the EP and the Council on its implementation every three years The next report is due in June 2016 The report assess the quality of the statistics provided by Member States and the quality of the European aggregates It draws upon experience accumulated through the quarterly data transmissions in 2013-2016 and the annual quality reports for 2014
Draft report - sections Introduction Section 2 sets out the progress made over the last three years in implementing the JVS Regulation Section 3 assesses the quality of job vacancy statistics Section 4 focuses on the European aggregates Section 5 draws conclusions and suggests ways in which users’ expectations can be met even better in the future
Section 2: Implementation Legal framework Two implementing regulations Feasibility studies Developments since the last report Review of legislation Seasonally adjusted data News release
Review of legislation The Commission examined if a new legal proposal could be launched to extend the coverage of job vacancy data for countries that do not include the public sector and/or small businesses It was concluded that such a review should take place in the broader context of the ongoing revision of EU legislation in the field of business statistics (FRIBS project)
Seasonally adjusted data All the Member States, expect Belgium, Finland, France, the Netherlands and Sweden provide SA data for both job vacancies and occupied posts The Netherlands and Sweden provide SA figures only for job vacancies but not for occupied posts Belgium and Finland have not provided seasonally adjusted data due to some changes in the JVS national methodology resulting in a break in time series. The EFTA countries, Norway and Switzerland, have not transmitted SA figures
News release Eurostat started to publish from June 2014 onwards a quarterly news release on the job vacancy rates This new publication gave higher prominence to JVS Some users showed their strong need for extending the data coverage in Denmark, France, Italy and Malta France and Italy still do not release absolute figures severely hampering the usability of the JVS as such
Section 3: Quality Quality assessed on the basis of the six main dimensions: relevance accuracy timeliness/punctuality coherence comparability accessibility/clarity
Relevance The collection of JVS data provides the only harmonised source to measure unmet labour demand The JV rate is one of the Principal European Economic Indicators (PEEIs) JVS-based indicator has been included in the Joint Assessment Framework (JAF) The relevance of the JVS would increase further if the existing coverage gaps regarding NACE sections O to S and small businesses were filled
Accuracy The report will provide the range of the coefficients of variation for Member States estimates Eurostat also consider to include the other main characteristics of the job vacancy surveys, in particular the sample size and response rate, as well as the data sources used for occupied posts
Coefficients of variation
The main characteristics of the job vacancy surveys
Section 4: European aggregates European aggregates are continued to be disseminated only for the job vacancy rate, not for the absolute number of vacancies The quality of European aggregates can be considered as satisfactory. Eurostat intends publishing seasonally adjusted data for European aggregates in the second half of 2016.
Section 5: Conclusions Country data have been transmitted in a timely manner European aggregates have been published as scheduled Most of the countries started to provide seasonally adjusted data on a regular basis Eurostat started to publish a quarterly news release on the job vacancy rates. Incomplete coverage is still the main reason why JVS data are not used more widely
LAMAS delegates are invited to: The LAMAS working group is invited to: Comment and agree on the draft report in Annex 3 Agree to complement existing information on job vacancy surveys by filling the template provided in Annex 2
Thank you for your attention!