Colonial Slavery
Some statistics: About 1 million taken from Africa in 300 years after Columbus About 400,000 end up in “America” Out of those, most arrived after 1700 Rest were taken to Spanish and Portuguese South America and West Indies
What you should write: Less than half of Africans removed from their homeland between the late 1400s and late 1700s were brought to the future U.S. The bulk of these future slaves were brought in the 1700s. The rest were brought to Spanish and Portuguese colonies as well as the West Indies.
Jamestown Africans brought as early as 1619 By 1670, only about 2,000 while overall population was 35,000 In the southern colonies, African slaves made up 7% of the population People simply could not afford them especially if there was a risk they would die
If not slavery, what?
Changes in 1680s: Wages rose in England Colonists scared of “mutinous former servants” Mid-1680s, black slaves outnumbered white servants in immigrant population
Royal African Company First chartered in 1672 1698- lost its crown- granted monopoly People wanted to make money, trade took off
More statistics: 10,000 Africans brought from roughly 1700 to 1710 Continued this trend By 1750, in VA- 50% of population SC: outnumbered whites 2 to 1
African slaves Most came from western coast of Africa, especially from Senegal to Angola Usually captured by African slave traders and sold to flesh merchants on the shores
“Middle Passage” Death rates as high as 20%
4 square feet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slaves vs. Servants At first, legal distinction was unclear 1662: slave codes Chattels
Slavery Slavery might have begun in America for economic reasons, but by the end of the seventeenth century, it was clear that racial discrimination also powerfully molded the American slave system.”
Africans in different areas Deep south: died a lot from horrible conditions, had to have more imported Chesapeake region: slightly easier life Population began to grow naturally
African→ African American Gullah Words- goober, gumbo, voodoo Jazz Banjo, bongo
Other contributions: Labor Skilled artisans Menial tasks
Revolts They happened. Slaves were miserable. Period. 1739: Stono Rebellion