Missouri Housing Development Commission Creating a Real System Across the Balance of State A look at MO-606: The Missouri Balance of State Continuum of Care Dustin Allen Community Initiatives Coordinator Missouri Housing Development Commission
Missouri Continua of Care 8 CoCs: Kansas City, Springfield , Saint Joseph, Joplin, Saint Louis County, Saint Louis City, St. Charles, BoS BoS: 101 Counties
Balance Demographic Information Four of the top ten counties in regards to population Ten of the bottom ten counties in regards to population Smallest: Worth County Population 2,024 (July 2016 Census) Largest City in the BoS (4th Largest in Missouri): Columbia, Missouri Population: 120,612 (July 2016 Census) State Capital: Jefferson City, Missouri Population: 43,088 (July 2016 Census) Longest trip for one meeting: 759 Miles (11 Hours, 11 minutes) https://www.missouri-demographics.com/counties_by_population Columbia and Jefferson City Information: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/jeffersoncitycitymissouri,columbiacitymissouri/HSG650215 Columbia 4th Largest: http://www.columbiatribune.com/article/20160522/News/305229983
2016 Point-In-Time Count Summarized by Household Type https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/coc/coc-dashboard-reports/?filter_Year=&filter_State=MO&filter_CoC=MO-606&program=CoC&group=Dash Es- 758, TH-291, SH-7, US -375 Total-1431
Why Do We Need a System? To ensure that we are serving the most vulnerable clients no matter where they present To give a voice to rural communities and other areas that might otherwise not have input on service delivery to homeless populations To cultivate collaborations for service providers that might not serve the same geographic area To increase understanding of what rural homelessness looks like, and what types of programs can be effective in serving both rural and urban populations
Where Do You Begin? Does the base structure support the system?
Balance of State Structure Prior to June, 2017 Governor’s Committee to End Homelessness Statewide Interagency Council on Homelessness Established in 1987 Appointed membership Membership includes state agencies, non-profits, and representatives from each CoC in Missouri Operated as the governing body of the BoS CoC
Strengths and Weaknesses of Old Structure State structure provides solid objective process Allows for representation in planning at a intra-CoC and state level Great in creating initial structure Top-Down Transparency Slow to respond to changes in needs Struggles with long-term engaging non- funded and other service providers
Creating a New Structure “(People) often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.” Alexander Hamilton http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/26499.html
New Structure Natural progression of Regional Coordinated Entry groups Regional representation directly voted on by the region on to CoC Board “Voting Membership” that will vote on BoS wide issues Bi-Annual full CoC meetings with topics brought forth by regions Create additional incentives for non-funded agencies and other community members
Takeaways in Rebuilding a System 1) Evaluate the current system 2) Be ready to start over 3) Educate, Educate, Educate Pay attention to both the messaging, as well as the training