DON’T PANIC!! 4TH Grade: Most will be done in class. Reading and general discussion / questioning is encouraged for at home. Project will be optional. 5th Grade: Can do with 4th Grade mostly at school, or choose their own topic and have more help from parents at home. Project (Poster) will be required. 6th Grade: Will choose their own topic and are expected to put in time at home and at school on research. Project can be an exhibit, website, documentary or performance.
Using mostly secondary sources include a Bibliography of 4 – 6 sources Report on Historical Context, the Triumphs and Tragedies of the chosen topic and Historical Significance Research / take notes focusing on successes (triumphs) and failures (tragedies) Read, watch videos, go online to get general knowledge of topic. The Report
Historical Context: moods, attitudes, and conditions that existed in a certain time. the “setting” for an event that occurs. What important events happened prior to your topic that are important to understand? What circumstances existed before and contributed to your topic? Who were the people involved in the events that preceded your topic? What role did they play and how did they become involved?
Historical Significance: The importance or meaning of history Historical Significance: The importance or meaning of history. Think about historical significance as a row of dominoes. When one domino changes position, it affects the rest of the dominoes. How did the turning point/event create a change that is significant is history? What long-term changes occurred because of your event? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA How were the people/leadership able to accomplish something that has endured?
Historical significance is divided into three sections: Who? What? How? What was the turning point or significant event? How did these people become involved? How did the turning point/significant event (triumphs & tragedies) happen? Who was involved? What were the immediate results/consequences of the significant events? What were the long term results that affect us today? Your information should answer these questions.
A book written about an event by a reliable author Bibliography Secondary Sources: A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary sources may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them. Examples of secondary sources include: A journal/magazine article which interprets or reviews previous findings A book written about an event by a reliable author A documentary about a historical event or figure The National Park Services website summarizing Civil War battles
THE PROJECT 4TH / 5TH GRADES 6TH GRADE INDIVIDUAL or GROUP (2-5 students) POSTER Includes: Title Thesis statement reflecting theme Historical Context Triumphs and Tragedies Historical Significance Process Paper Primary Sources INDIVIDUAL or GROUP (2-5 students) EXHIBIT, PERFORMANCE, DOCUMENTARY, or WEBSITE Includes: Title Thesis statement reflecting theme Historical Context Triumphs and Tragedies Historical Significance Process Paper Primary Sources
PRIMARY SOURCES Primary Source: A primary source is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event. Examples of primary sources include: Diary of Anne Frank - Experiences of a Jewish family during WWII The image of Martin Luther King Jr. delivering the “I Have a Dream” speech The news footage of the fall of the Berlin Wall A document from the Library of Congress website Quotes and Newspaper articles or letters written at the time of the event This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
DON’T PANIC!! 4TH Grade: Most will be done in class. Reading and general discussion / questioning is encouraged for at home. Project will be optional. YOU CAN DO IT!! 5th Grade: Can do with 4th Grade mostly at school, or choose their own topic and have more help from parents at home. Project (Poster) will be required. YOU CAN DO IT!! 6th Grade: Will choose their own topic and are expected to put in time at home and at school on research. Project can be an exhibit, website, documentary or performance. YOU CAN DO IT!!